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The wind blew strongly in the dry air. Out of three hundred and sixty five days, did it have to be stormy the day I landed?

I zip up my jacket and pull the loose strands of hair behind my ear. Lugging my suitcase, I walk back into the crowded airport. It was chaotic. People were constantly bumping into each other, trying to get to their designated areas while others were arguing with workers.

I, on the other hand, find a spot on the bench and sit quietly. The weather can't be controlled so people just need to suck it up rather than yelling at workers who have no control over the whole situation.

Like they're saving your life, the airplane could crash or malfunction.

My heart skips a beat when my pant starts vibrate. Realizing it's my phone, I reach into my pocket and fish it out, the caller ID displayed my roommates name.

"Hey, have you landed?" Jen asks.

"I did about an hour ago, but all the roads have been shut down because of the storm," I reply.

"I know, half the city lost its power and they're saying it's only a matter of minutes before the other half loses it too," Jen informs.

"Shit, I think I'm gonna be spending the night here."

"Gosh, I was looking forward to tonight," Jen sighs sadly.

"Me too, we'll see each other in the morning."

"I would pick you up, but my car's at the mechanics. Seriously, hate having a twin," Jen mumbles.

Before I can reply, everything falls dead silent as the light disappears. I look at my screen and it says no signal available. Few seconds later, lights not as strong as the usual, takeover.

I close my phone and put it back into my pocket. The ruckus of people arguing and running around blinds my hearing. Exhausted, I bring out my black fluffy pillow and lie down on the bench.

Hogging the whole bench, slowly, I drift into a deep sleep.


I shift over to the side trying to get comfortable. My whole body was aching and I had no idea why, so I move over a little more and - thud.

"Ow," I groan. I crisscross my legs and grab my pillow putting in my lap. My eyes still blurry, I rub them clear and look around at the airport. Most of the area was now empty compared to last night telling me the roads were now open.

Yawning, I stand up tall and stretch. I lazily grab my suitcase and carry it outside. There was a drastic change in the weather. Rather than the wind and rain like last night, it was now sunny with some clouds. A taxi was parked across the road, so I walk over to it.

"Hi, can you take me to UCLA?" I question the bald man. He didn't look scary as I like to describe all taxi drivers. On the contrary, his smile felt quite welcoming.

"Sure, hop in," he says. With a smile on my face, I open the back door and shove my luggage in before taking a seat myself.

The driver turns on the ignition and we start moving. My eyes intensely gaze at everything we pass. Los Angeles is beautiful and so much more different than Vancouver. British Columbia has it's natural greenery, but Los Angeles with it's entertainment and business world seems so much more interesting.

Intrigued by the outside, I don't even realize we're on campus until the driver calls me.

"Sorry, uh- thank you," I take out my wallet and hand him the due payment.

"Have a good day, Ms.," he says as I exit the taxi. Once he drives off, I turn around to face the building labelled in bold letters 'Girl's Dorm'.

Escaping the bright sun, I head inside. I remember my room number was six oh seven on the fourth floor, so I decide to take the elevators.

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