Chapter 11

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I rock back and forth as I feel myself moving, but at the same time sitting. Flashes of light appear through my closed eyelids and I close them tighter as I try to remember what happened. I try to bring my right hand forward, but it gets stopped by a cold metallic object around my wrist.

My eyes snap open. I look around to find myself sitting on the back seat of a car handcuffed to the door. "You're up I see." I look at the person driving who was currently looking at me through the rearview mirror with his chocolate brown eyes.


"Hey, I'm just taking you out for a fun night. No need to get mad. I told you it was either going to be my way or yours."

"A fun night? You just qualified yourself for a death sentence by kidnapping me, and I'm not really sure about how long your way will last. But I know for sure, it won't be that long."

"I don't think kidnapping is worth a death sentence in America."

"Oh I wasn't talking about the law." I glare at him and he looks at me through the rearview mirror. His adam's apple bobs and he relaxes his posture.

"It's only one night. One party. No harm will come from it."

"First of all I've been to tons of parties and gotten drunk before I'm not scared of that. Why can't you just understand that I don't want to go." I try unlocking the door. I pull the lever, but it doesn't open. "Second of all, were these handcuffs really necessary?"

"Child lock and yes. I didn't want you bashing my head." He says calmly which only causes me to get more angry. I hit the door in frustration. I look outside the window as he pulls up into the party house.

"Unlike you I do not have a death wish. I wouldn't have tried killing you while you were driving."

He slowly pulls into the garage and turns off the engine. He turns around throwing a bag at me,"Good to know. Now change into these, they're Jen's."

"No. How long have I been out for?" I ask.

"If I answer that will you change into those."

"No." I say without looking into the bag.

"Then I'm guessing you'll never know."

"Okay." He looks at me bewildered by my response. "What?" I ask as he stares at me.

"You're not going to scream, fight or do anything?"

"Nope. I'm not going to the party, and if you're going to be stubborn too then I don't mind staying here for the night." I reply.

"Are you serious?" I nod," It's just a party. Okay, swear on your life that you're not scared to go, and that you just don't want to."

"I swear on my life that I'm not scared to go I just don't want to. No crosses count." I add. His eyes widen for a second before narrowing them thinking something. "Can you stop?" I ask irritated by his curious eyes.

"Okay. What will it take for you to go to this party?"

"Now that's the way I like it." I smile," Number one, you can't prank me for the whole night. Two, if I get drunk you can't take any pictures or videos of me. No one can. Number three, I'm not changing into whatever clothes you brought. And last, but not least. Me going does not mean I forgave Ian. Deal?" I cross my arms and legs. The cuff gets stuck near the end of my forearm.

"It's only a deal if both ends gain something."

"I'm listening." I simply answer. What is this guy planning?

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