Chapter 1

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After the whole fiasco, I could feel that my face had turned beet red as I walked away from the scene. What a fucking jerk. How could he?! He can't just turn this whole thing on me?! I don't need his attention, and especially not by almost getting myself killed. What an arrogant jerk.

I take another right while walking down a hallway, and to my luck I had walked into the cafeteria. I look around the huge crowded area. I try to remember how Jen looks. She has straight dark brown hair, an exceptionally pale skin tone, and she was as tall as me probably around 5'7.

Between all the tired looking university students, I finally spot Jen in the lineup getting food. I walked over to her. I walk up behind her, "Jen!"

Her whole body jolts in surprise,"Oh, shit!" Jen turns around putting her free hand on her chest while her other hand almost drops the empty tray," You scared me!"

"Sorry," I sheepishly apologize.

"It's okay," she laughs. "You're so cute. What took you so long?" She asks as I grab myself a tray, and budge into the line standing next to her.

"I'm new, I got lost, and even worse I met this fucking air headed man whore," I say trying not to think about what happened.

"Ewh," she says making a disgusted face. "I'm sorry, it's my fault. I should've waited for you. It's just that my friend messaged me to meet her as soon as possible."

"Don't worry about it.Hope it wasn't anything serious," I say genuinely smiling. We make our way down the line. I grab a green apple, bottled water, and sandwich for myself placing them all on my tray.

I follow Jen to a table where a blonde girl was sitting. "Hi! You must be Riley! My name's Kylie," she says, her words full of excitement.

"Haha, yeah," I say as I sit down in front of her, and Jen sits beside her.

"So? Riley, what made you choose this humble university also known as UCLA?" I laugh at her sarcasm. Kylie's very pretty just like Jen. Though Kylie had blonde hair, and a more tanned skin tone like me. Except I have really dark brown hair. I felt like a mixture of both of them.

"Um, well," I think. "I actually got a full paid scholarship for basketball. And I wanted to move somewhere far from home. To explore the world. You know?"

"I get you a hundred percent," she says. I like her, Jen, and UCLA. Except for one guy so far my day was going great, and I hope it stays that way.

"So Riley, you were saying something about, and may I quote a fucking air headed man whore," both Jen and Kylie burst out into a fit of laughter.

"No, I'm serious," I say with a dull tone. Soon they stopped laughing, but it was obvious they were forcibly compressing their laughter.

"It couldn't have been that bad," Kylie says.

"Well let me tell you, it was so bad that I could've died because of that air head," and their eyes widen in horror. Point proved. I smile at my victory. I like winning even if it's in little things.

"Okay whatever. By your reaction I don't think you want to go into too many details, so just forget about it. It's a big school there's hardly any chance that you will ever even see him again," Jen says reassuring me. I nod taking a bite out of my sandwich.

"So Jen, I told my whole life story to you, but I still don't know anything about you. What are you trying to hide?" I say wiggling my eyebrows. I can't believe I'm already so comfortable with them.

"Well lets see. Where should I start?" She asks mostly talking to herself. "Hmm, well. My full name's Jennifer Levers. I grew up here in LA. I haven't traveled much; really want to. Umm, I'm twenty two currently single. Oh! And the best part of my existence," sarcasm lingering her every word in the last sentence. "- I have a twin brother."

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