Chapter 45: Happy New Year!

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It's December thirty first today. I feel a hundred times better then yesterday.

After I rubbed the fact that I made Heath cry into his face. He was getting really pissed off, but not angry. I also realized another reason I felt really cold was, because I was only in my bra. I swear my cheeks were probably bright as a tomato. He realized why I was blushing so hard, and immediately started laughing.

He teased me by saying that he was about to take my bra off too. So I retorted by saying "I wouldn't be laughing so hard unless you want me to perform some of my own surgery on you which includes no anesthetic, chopping off your dick, and feeding it to the seagulls." I know. Seagulls. Like what the fuck. I just stuck with it, because it actually kind've scared him.

A little while later we started talking and I asked him how he got this little house. He told me it was a friend's. After that, I took a shower. It was painful to say the least, but I was not going to get Heath to bathe me. Not in a million years.

The rest of the day went really slowly as I stayed in bed watching TV. Heath on the other hand went shopping for food, and even cooked. And then he apologized for a starting a fire in the kitchen and got take out. I appreciated the effort; though, after I laughed for about ten minutes.

It's around eight in the morning now. I told Heath that I'd be fine sleeping alone so he insisted on sleeping on the floor. I got stubborn, and forced him to sleep on the bed with me instead. I sit up with my back against the headboard. Heath shuffles around as well making me feel uneasy. I didn't want to ruin his sleep. He rests his head right below my stomach, and his hand wraps around my waist.

He was smiling in his sleep. I start fiddling with his hair as I think about yesterday.

I almost died, but I got a second chance. I wish I remembered my absolute last thought before going unconscious maybe it had something to do with me coming back to life.

It's weird. Funny, saying almost came back to life, because it's not very often you hear people say that. But I've gotten a second chance. I'm going to make the most of it, and not regret anything. I need to start living for myself, and for the people around me.

Heath's tears proved no matter how many times he has hurt me, he still cared and he always will. Maybe if we get out of this mess. Just maybe. I might actually have feelings for him, but I can't risk anything.

"Riley?" Heath asks in his croaky morning voice.

"Mhm?" I ask. My hands were still tangled in his hair. He turns his head to look up at me.

"Morning." He smiles.

"Morning." I smile back.

"What time is it?" He asks laying back down on my stomach.


"How are you feeling?"


"Are you ready for today?"

"Yup." I smile. "We get to go shopping right? I mean it's a formal business party."

"Yeah." He laughs," Girls and their shopping."

"Hey, I feel like dressing up. I've been ugly for the last couple of days. It's starting to effect my mood." I laugh.

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