Chapter 5

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"Nice!" Kat says as I high five her.

"Boys get out! Your practice ended ten minutes ago!" Mrs. Larsen yells, and all the boys walk out.

"So, as most of you know that's Riley," she says nodding at me. They all take a look at me before turning their attention back on the coach.

"Okay, year I thought we'd try something different. Unlike other years, I'm going to watch you guys play for the first couple of practices then assign each of you your positions. That also means we might have a new captain this year."

"What?!" Kirsten practically crams. All of us stare at her questionably causing her cheeks to change colour into a rosy red," I mean... that's not fair some people have been here longer, and they deserve more."

"Kirsten you've been captain for about three years now. You should know that time does not matter, but skill does," Mrs. Larsen explains. Kirsten doesn't reply.

"Now start with five sets of suicides! Go!" coach Larsen orders. We all start running while most of us were still groaning.


Practice was awesome. I love feeling my heart race for the right reasons. I love feeling focused. And the adrenaline rush is unexplainable. Playing basketball puts a smile on my face.

"You really love basketball don't you?" Jen asks as I blow dry my hair.

"Yeah, why?"

"Because of that huge smile on your face," she laughs stating the obvious.

"Basketball gives me time to forget what's going on and just focus on one thing and that's playing. But basketball isn't the only reason for my smile. I beat your brother one on one."

"Seriously? He must've been so embarrassed," she laughs even harder. "How'd you do it? I mean how'd you beat him? Not bragging, or anything he's pretty good. He does practice day and night."

"His anger got in the way this time. If not for that I think he might've beaten me. Good thing I know how to push his buttons," I say turning off the blow drier. I wink at the mirror towards Jen. "Hey, while we're talking about your brother. What's up with him and flat balls?"

"It's a pet peeve of his. He really hates it when the balls don't have enough air in them."

"Well that's a really good thing to know," I smile. "Another thing, do you know when he practices alone?"

"Yeah around eight in the morning every Tuesdays, because he doesn't have classes that day."

"So tomorrow?" Jen nods. "I just got an idea," I grin.

"What is it?" Jen asks curiously.

"You'll find out. Just wait and watch. And, I'm going out for dinner with Kat."


"Katherine, she plays on the team. She asked me if I could go out for a bite after practice and I said sure. She seems like a good person and I could use a couple of more friends," I smile.

"Okay. When will you be back?"

"I don't know. I'm going to drop off my resume at the bookstore before we go. I have a key so you don't have to stay up anyways."



I wore a long sleeved grey sweater which had a picture of Mickey mouse on it, a pair of black leggings and the classic black All Star converse.

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