Chapter 34: History

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"Okay Princess we've been shopping for five hours now and I'm drowned in bags can we go?" Heath complains.

After I ate, we started shopping again and this time I actually bought stuff like a lot of it. Heath made a deal with me saying if he carries all my bags he gets to annoy me as much as he wanted. So I took it, to be honest he hasn't been that annoying mostly because he's tired of carrying the bags around.

I was done shopping an hour ago, but it was funny seeing him struggle. I volunteered to carry some of the bags, but he said something about keeping his word and a man's pride. "Princess?" Heath asks.

"Yeah, yeah we can go I'm done." I reply. We walk down to the parking lot and towards his car. He puts everything in the trunk and I didn't miss seeing two perfectly wrapped gifts laying in there. "Oooo is that mine?!" I ask like a kid. I reach for it, but Heath smacks my hand away," Ow!" I frown.

"Maybe, maybe not." He says before slamming the trunk shut.

"Aw! Come on!"

"Nope." He smirks getting in the drivers seat.

I walk over to the passenger side and sit down. The smirk is still plastered on his face," I was done shopping an hour ago." And his smirk gets transferred to my face as my scowl to his.

"Bitch." I hear him mumble to himself.

"Ah did you say something?" I ask smirking.

"No." He growls. Heath starts the engine and starts driving.

"Where are we going?" I ask since it's only four.

"To the movies." He says.

"Ooo what movie?" I ask.

"Scorch Trials."

"Seriously?! Oh my god I loved the first movie and Dylan O'brien." I sigh. Dylan is hot. Heath chuckles at my response.

"The chicks hot too." He smirks. Why is he smirking?!

"The girl is not hot she's simply cute." I protest.

"You're a girl you would say that."

"And you're a guy. You call every girl hot."

"Not you." He says and I can't help, but feel a little hurt by his statement. It's just Heath, right? I shouldn't care what he thinks. I don't reply to him and the rest of the ride goes quietly.

Heath pays for the tickets and I don't argue with him. I didn't even feel like talking to him. The whole theatre was packed except for two seats at the very top. Heath climbs up the stairs and I follow him.

I always feel awkward walking up the stairs or down when the theatre's packed because I can tell everyone's looking at us.

After saying "excuse me" about twelve times and making someone almost drop their food, we finally it make to the seats.


The movie was great and the best part was that I didn't have to talk to Heath during any of it. I'm not mad that Heath doesn't think I'm hot or maybe he does I don't know, but it still kind of hurt and I won't let it go so easily.

It's seven thirty now and Heath has decided for me that I am hungry, and is taking us to a restaurant.

Once we get there the usher takes us to a table and I start scanning the menu. The restaurant wasn't big, it was small and decent.

The waiter comes," My name's Noah I will be your waiter today what could I get for you guys tonight?"

"Italian pasta with tomato and coke as the drink." Heath answers.

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