Chapter 3: A walk that changed everything

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So I was in my shower and I was singing, and this spider kept crawling towards my head.....i think it was because I am a good singer. Ya, I'm just gonna say that. It heard me sing so it didn't want to eat me...ya that sounds reasonable :) I'm gonna go with that.



"Jake!" David screamed running into my office. I jumped at the sudden surprise and looked up to David sweating and panting out of breathe.

"David what happened to you? Was it a rogue?" I asked jumping out of my seat and growling. I don't like it when a rogue messes with any of my pack members.

"No. There's a girl." He said.

"A girl? Did she scare you?" I teased. He glared at and shook his head.

"No. She....I don't know how to put it."

"Well what happened?"

"I met her at the library and she smelled like normal human. But Liam and I just saw her again and her smell is stronger."

"Like really strong." Liam agreed. Liam is my Third in command while David is my beta.

"Okay? Well shall we go check it?"

"Sure. She and her little sister are heading to the park."

"Okay. Let's go then."

I wonder what the big deal is about this girl?

'I'm excited.' Kaydon my wolf said.

'Why?' I asked him.

'I dunno know. I just am I guess.'

'You are so weird.'

'Ya. It's because I'm stuck with you.'

'Asshole.' I muttered to him while he laughed.









We made it to the park and me, David, and Liam are walking on the sidewalk looking around for this mystery girl. The park is empty probably because it's close to 5 at night.

"Where is she?" Liam asked.

"How should I know?" David shot back.

Oh wow. My beta and my Third can't even find 2 girls.

I was snapped out of my thinking when I smelt the most intoxicating smell ever. It smelled strawberries and mint.

I stopped walking ignoring the curious looks from David and Liam and tried to focus on the smell.

"What time do you work?" A small voice asked.

"I think at 7." An angelic voice answered. I shivered at her voice and the guys looked at me like I was crazy. My knees felt like they were about to give out just by her voice.

"Yo Jake. You okay there dude?" David asked.

"Do you guys smell that? And did her you hear that beautiful voice?" I asked while a wide smile will looking around.

"Okay. So Jake officially lost it."

I stopped looking when I spotted a gorgeous girl. She has long raven black hair, she was short and petite, she had nice curves, but you could see muscle. She was absolutely stunning.

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