Chapter 33: Better get use to it

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So this chapter is going to be kinda short. I need some sleep lol.

I got a B+ on my government test. Which is huge for me! To be honest, I completely suck at any history class....that and math lol.

Any sports people out there? Because Marcus Smart is all over the much drama lol. If you don't know what I'm talking about, he shoved a fan.

"So." I smirked walking over to Scott who was sitting at the kitchen island. "You off the hook?"

He looked up and gave me a playful glare. "Ya. The icecream really did it."

"Told ya." I laughed.

A second later, Ashe came trudging down the stairs.

"Someone looks grumpy." Scott teased.

Ashe gave him a death glare. "Oh freaking bite me."

"What made you so mad this morning?" I asked laughing.

"David." She growled.

"Oh great. What did he do?"

"He woke me up at 5 in the damn morning!" She yelled making some toast.

"Why?" Scott asked.

"To tell me he was leaving to go on border patrol." Ashe said.

"Well what did you do?"

"I pushed him off the bed and said bye."

I stared at her while Scott was laughing.

"Why did you do that?" I asked starting to laugh.

"He woke me up early. And I'm not a pleasant person in the morning if I get woken up early." Ashe defended.

"She's right." I heard someone say while yawning.

"Wow. Thanks for the support dad." Ashe laughed.

I just thought of something.

"Shouldn't you guys be on border patrol since you are apart of the pack now?" I asked pointing at Carlos and Scott. They would have to be since they are of age.

They nodded. "We are on later tonight." Cards answered.

"I don't think Jake trusts me yet." Scott said out of the blue looking down at his hands.

I smiled and placed a hand on his shoulder. "He will. I'll make sure of it. And if he has a problem, he can write it down on a piece of paper and shove it up his ass." I smiled sweetly.

"Whose ass is getting kicked? Liam's?" Tony asked with a little more hope than it should have sounded.

We turned to see Lilly, Katie, and Tony walking form the stairs.

Lilt turned around and smacked his arm. "No cussing." She scowled.

Tony frowned and rubbed his arm. "Sorry."

"And why are you always so mean to him?"

Tony scowled but didn't say anything.

Lilly rolled her eyes and came over to me and gave me a hug.

"Hey Avery?" Lilly asked innocently.

"What do you want?" I laughed as I hugged her back.

"Can we go to the park today?"

"Please?" Katie pleaded.

"Please?" Ashe asked batting her eyelashes at me.

"Since when were you six?" I asked laughing at her.

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