Chapter 26: Cold shoulder

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Ugh. I'm so pissed. So I was going to go hang out with my friends at the basketball tonight for my school and see the guy I like play....nope... of course my mom let my brother take my car...and it had my purse and everything else in it....of course. Because every time my brother needs something, my plans automatically get canceled so he can have his way. It's gets old real fast...

But at least my grandpa is coming over :) that's like the only up side.

Oh and the fact that my mom is trying to get on my good side, and she is getting me stuff from Victorias Secret lmao. :) so I guess it's okay. But I'm still pretty pissed off.

Ashe and I walked downstairs with linked arms holding our heads high.

She thinks that if he really is cheating, which was pretty must proven, that David and Liam would know about it since they are best friends with Jake. So those three get the cold shoulder. Yippee...

A tear slips from my eye and I sniff.

"Hey hey. Don't cry. You're too pretty. And keep your head up, your tiara is falling." Ashe smiles at me and wipes my tears away. "Show him you don't need him. Show him what he's missing. And show him that Jo matter what he does, you won't break."

"But I feel like I am breaking." I say with my voice cracking at the end.

"Shh." She pulls me in and kisses my forehead. "Come on. It's show time babe."

I give her my best fake smile, and she gives me a sad one before we walk into the living room.

My mom looks at me too see if I'm alright and I give her a warm smile and stay by Ashe's side.

I watch as Sadie comes out into the living room and smirks at me before she leaves.

"Ugh. What is she doing here?" Liam sneers.

I shrug my shoulders and Ashe and I walk into the kitchen.

"Want a water?" I ask as I open the fridge.

"Ya." She holds out her hand and I toss her one. "Thanks."

I smile and sit down.

Jake comes running into the kitchen as he finally relax a as his eyes land on me.

"There you are." He smiled walking up to me. "I couldn't find you anywhere."

"I'm sure you were." I growled and narrowed my eyes at him.

He looks at me confused. "What do you mean?"

I close my eyes and take a deep breathe before I reopened them. "Nothing."

"Want to go outside?" Ashe asked me.

"Please." I practically begged laughing.

I get up and right as I turned to walk away, Jake's hand instantly shot out and grabbed me by my elbow. I immediately feel tingles and I took a sharp intake of breath.

Breathe Avery, breathe. Show him what he's missing.

I yanked my arm out or his grasp and he gave me a pained expression.

This is tough...

"What did I do?" He asked with a soft voice.

"Everything." I spat and turned around.

"Hey ladies." David greeted wiggling his eyebrows.

Ashe and I glared at him and we went around him.

"Ashe?" David asked.

Ashe ignored him and dragged me outside with her.

I could still hear David and Jake talking

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