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"It was nice spending tonight with you." Brennen says as we exit the movie. "But I would've rather talked to you than sit there in silence."

"I'm not much of a talker." I tell him. "I'm not sure if you noticed."

"From what I've heard, yeah, but if you have a friend like Monique I'm sure you talk plenty with her." he points out. "Am I right?"

"Yeah, but I've been friends with Monique for a very long time."

"Right, I need to prove I'm trustworthy." he snaps his fingers then laughs. "I will do just that if you're up for a second date."

"Eversteen," Harry walks up to us with his wife attached to him. "You have an early morning tomorrow, you should get some sleep."

"I-I will." I stutter.

He steps closer and pats my shoulder. "So I will be picking you up for the workout?" he smiles.

"Oh, I can take you." Brennen offers.

"It's okay mate, it's on the way."

"Oh you live near us?" Caroline asks with a bright smile still on her face. "How close?"

I give a confused look and look around at the people surrounding me.

"N-no, darling." Harry nervously chuckles. "I meant we are both going to the same place, so I can just pick her up."

"Well Coach Hudson is actually having us come in around the same time." Brennen says then smiles. He puts an arm around me and pulls me close. "So I can give Ryles a ride."

Ryles? I shake it off and nod. "I guess that makes sense."

"Oh alright," Harry inhales sharply. "I'll see you later then, Eversteen." he says, keeping a smile that I knew he was forcing on. He grabs his wife's hand, walking off. "Don't be late."


The next morning, I got up my usual time. Brennen was a bit late, but we made it to the school. The breakfast, he got me was the reason for his tardiness, which I was okay with. I finish the food during the ride to school, but had my cup of orange juice left.

Once we got out of the car, Brennen carries my gym bag for me. I just had my school bag on my back and the cup of orange juice in my hand. I chew on the straw while we walk into the gym together. A few girls from the volleyball team were spread out on the court, getting ready for the workout.

"I'm going to be late," I gasp, looking at the time and pacing my speed.

"Hey slow down," Brennen laughs. "I'm sure coach will understand."

"Doubtful," I say, gripping the strap of my gym bag. "I'll see you later."

"Wait, can I get a little something?" he asks, handing me my bag.

He pulls the straw out of my mouth that I was chewing on and leans towards me.

"Eversteen," Harry's voice echoes the hall, which make me snap my head in his direction. Brennen's lips fall onto my cheek until he quickly pulls away. "Why aren't you dressed out, yet?" he question. "You have two minutes until it's six."

"Sorry, sorry coach." I gasp. "I just got here."

"Hurry it up then," he rushes me. "And don't bring that out on my court." he points at the cup I was holding.

I glance at Brennen and pat his chest before I race to the locker room.

"I'll see you later then." was the last thing I hear from him.

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