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"I just want to thank you for giving Rylee rides." my mom says, setting a plate of food in front of Harry. "It's just that we have one car and Alec hasn't been very dependable lately."

"Alec is your son I'm assuming?" Harry asks.

"Yes, he's in college." she starts telling Harry all about my troubled brother. "Luckily, Rylee isn't such a bad kid. She tries to help around the house when she can."

A burst of cries echo the house and Harry seems confused. "Is that a baby?"

"Yeah, it's my sister's baby." my mom gets up from her chair at the dining table. "She and her husband needed a night to themselves. I'll be right back, just stay there and enjoy your food."

Harry nods, taking a bite of the food. My mom races upstairs and leaves us alone. I just sit here in silence, pushing my food around on my plate.

"Your mum is nice." he speaks up. "Great cook as well."

I huff and glare at him. "Why did you come in?"

He chuckles with a shrug. "I wasn't going to turn down a home cooked meal." I just roll my eyes, looking back down at my food. "Look, I'll leave if you really don't want me here."

"No stay," I stop him. "I don't feel like being questioned by my mom."

Right then, she comes downstairs with Stevie, my baby cousin, in her arms. She sits back in her seat, keeping him in her lap.

"Coach Styles, this is Stevie."

"Oh, you can call me Harry." he says, setting his fork down and reaching for Stevie's little hand. "He's a cute one."

I watch him make baby faces and I try to contain my laughs. It was so weird seeing him in this state.

The two of them start talking for a while. I just stayed and listened to them, making sure my mom doesn't say anything embarrassing. Harry looks at his watch then his eyes widen.

"Oh, I should get going." he stands up, grabbing his plate. "I'll wash this for you before I go."

"No that's alright, Rylee can do it." my mom suggests, standing up with the now sleeping baby.

"No, it's fine, I'll do it." Harry insists. "You can take him to bed."

I get up, taking my dish to the sink. Harry pops up behind me and sets his dish down as well.

"You really don't have to do this." I tell him, turning to look up at him. "You can go home now."

He just shakes his head, grabbing the sponge then scrubs the dish. I leave him alone and make my way to my room. I run into my mom, setting Stevie in a playpen.

Why in my room out of all places?

"Sorry hun, your dad didn't want him in our room and I can't risk putting him in Alec's room." she apologizes. "I didn't think you'd mind."

"No, it's fine." I tell her. "Can you just leave so I can change please?" I try asking politely, but it felt harsh. "Goodnight mom, I love you." I throw in and her face brightens up.

"I love you too, Rylee, sleep well."

She leaves my room and I pull off the jacket Harry let me borrow. I start changing into a loose tank top and shorts. I put my hair up and sit at my desk. I finish up any homework I have due tomorrow.

A knock at my door interrupts me. I invite the person in, keeping my focus on my homework. Then I glance over my shoulder to see Harry walk in.

"I just came up to say goodbye." he says lowly.

"Bye," I sigh, scribble on my paper. My attention was taken away from the work as I waited for him to say something, but he doesn't. "Is there something else?" I ask, turning around in my seat.

"I need my, um, jacket." he tells me, looking around my room. I get up, grabbing it from my bed. "Thank you," he says after I hand it to him.

"You're welcome," I flash him a quick smile that faltered away from my bad mood.

"You still can't be upset with me." he grabs my arm. "I'm giving the other girls a chan-"

"I'm not upset about that." I tell him, pulling away.

"Then what is it?"

"It's nothing," I shrug, looking away.

"Your mum invited me in and I offered to leave." he starts and I scoff.

"Just leave Harry, I'm trying to finish up my homework." I nudge him toward the door, but he keeps a grip on my wrists. "Let go of me."

Suddenly, he pulls me close and kisses me. My heart becomes warm and I don't pull away. I kiss him back, pressing my hands against his chest. He wraps his arms around me, pushing me toward the desk. He lifts me up and sits me on top of the papers I was working on. His hands slide down my waist to my thighs, lifting my legs up to wrap around him.

The kiss felt like we were in another world. Except we weren't, this was real and not a dream. It was deep and slow, making things heat up. Then he pulls away when my mom shouts from downstairs.

"Rylee, your dad is home." she tells me. "Bring Harry down, so he can meet him."

Harry's face was red and his lips were swollen from our kiss. He inhales deeply then wipes his lips.

"W-we should go down." he says, running his hands through his hair.

I jump off the desk and fix my hair that he messed up. "Yeah okay,"

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