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First thing in the morning, I started packing. I packed a lot of random items around my room. Next were my clothes and I had a ton of clothes. I went to my closet, going through a pile of random clothes. I pick up a white tee that was a bit bigger. The sudden memory of how I ended up with this shirt came to me. I was shirtless and he barely reacted to that. A knock at my door interrupts the small laugh I let out and I drop the shirt, quickly sitting up.

"Hey, there's some food downstairs if you're hungry and I'll be back," he tells me as I follow him. "I have to get some stuff to cover that hole in the wall your brother made." he rolls his eyes, but laughs.

"Okay, when wil-" I stop in my tracks when I spot Harry sitting on the couch with Alec. "Ha-c-coach, what are doing here?"

"He's the one who brought us lunch." Alec speaks with a mouth full of the burger he had in his hands. "I'm glad mom made friends with this teacher and not Mrs.White because she was such a bitch. I bet she wouldn't even care that mom left us."

I sigh, walking around the couch. "I can't really judge her because I never had her as a teacher."

"Well, I'll judge her for you." Alec laughs out and dad hits him on the head.

"You need to stop sitting here, spitting your food around and finish packing up your room."

"Dad, can I eat in peace?"

"You had two bowls of cereal this morning and a box of cookies while you were packing." Dad argues. "Hurry up because if I see that you're still on that one box you were working on all morning, I'll help you by throwing all your things out on the front lawn."

Alec quickly stands up, racing up the stares. I laugh, looking at my dad who was amused.

"You know he gets that from you, right?" I tell him and he frowns. "Both of you procrastinate."

"I don't procrastinate."

"What did you say you were going to do before you got on Alec?" I ask and he shrugs. "Go to the store for that hole in the wall." I remind him and his facial expression changes into realization. He quickly shuffles toward the door, laughing and denying the fact. "Please don't come home with more than what we need. We don't need to be hauling extra stuff across the country." I shout after him.

The door shut and I sigh, looking down at Harry who already had his eyes on me. I grab the bag of food, nodding at him then racing back up to my room. I can feel his presence follow me and I try shutting the door on him, but he pushes through the crack.

"Rylee, I really don't understand why you're taking this further than it should be."

"I don't have time to explain this to you." I say, jumping on my bed.

"Please, please explain why you're so angry with me."

I unwrap the burger, keeping my stare on it. "You practically said if nothing happened between us then you'd have your eyes on Monique because she's prettier than me."

"No Rylee, if nothing happened then I'd be a regular coach just trying to help a broken team win." he tells me. "All of you are beautiful girls and I know I'd also be horrible if I said the opposite." I stay quiet, keeping my eyes on the food. "Babe, please stop staring at that thing and talk to me."

"Harry, I can't ever trust you knowing about your past. It's just so hard and I don't want my heart broken again." I say softly, finally making eye contact. I get off my bed, going to my closet. "There are prettier girls out there like Monique that could easily take you away."

"No, that's not– baby, listen to me." he grips my shoulder to turn me around. "I love you, I love you, I love you! I want you and only you." he whispers, embracing my face them leans in to kiss my lips, but I don't reciprocate. I pull away, turning back to the closet and picking up his shirt.

"Breaking this off is probably for the best. We won't last in a long distance relationship, especially since I have trust issues with you right now." I tell him, handing him his shirt, but he pushes it away. "Harry,"

"You're trying to push me away." he says, holding my wrist that held his shirt. "Do you really think this will be easier for any of us?"

I deny it, but he gives me that facial expression as if he knows I'm lying. I sigh, letting my arms fall to my side. "It'll save us the heartbreak later, Harry."

"So you'd rather break my heart now to make yourself more relieved from the trouble later?"

"Please Harry, I love you, but this-"

"Why are you making this so difficult then?" he ask frustratingly. "We love each other and that's all that matters. Can't we just live in the moment?"

I look down, trying to hold my tears back. He slowly lifts my head back up and stares into my eyes. He leans down to kiss me and this time I kiss him back. I tangle my finger behind his neck to pull him closer. He pushes me back and  we run into the door, making it shut.

"Oh no," I gasp. "Alec."

"Do you think he heard us?"

I shake my head. "Hopefully he has his headphones in."

I slowly open my door to look across the hall and luckily his door was still shut.

"Okay, we have about ten minutes before he starts procrastinating again." I say, locking my door.

Harry wraps his arms around me, carrying me to my bed. He sets me on the edge, so my legs dangled off. I scoot back and he joins me on the bed. He hovers me, kissing my neck softly.

"Please don't try to push me away again." he begs, kissing my lips. "Okay?"

I nod, letting my hands travel down to the hem of his shirt trying to peel it off. He stops me and sits up on his knees.


"We can't do this here." he sighs, falling next to me. "I feel guilty enough doing it in my motel, but under your father's– one of my friends in this town- I can't do that under his roof."

I sit up, bringing my knees to my chest. "Well, that makes this situation so much better." I say sarcastically. "You might as well just leave then." I nudge him and he chuckles, putting his hand on my thigh.

"Rylee, we don't have to always have sex." he tells me, putting his arm around me to lay me down. He kisses my cheek, nuzzling his face into my neck. "How was your day, baby?"

"Well, I woke up still angry with you." I start and he laughs.

I tell everything I did, but it was short because my day basically consisted of packing. He told me he simply did nothing before coming over. The tone of his voice gave me the feeling he was lying. I didn't push it because we literally just got out of a fight.

"I promise you'll always be on my mind when you're gone." he whispers.

I shrug, shaking my head. "I don't know if I'll have you on mine as much." I joke and his head shoots up.

He props himself on his elbow to look down at me. "Is that right?" he raises his eyebrows and I nod.

His hand lands on my stomach and slowly trails down under the shorts I was wearing.

"Harry?" I gasp, holding his wrist, but he kept his hand down there.

"You'll remember this and miss my touch every day that we're apart." he says then shifts down to kiss me. My lips part when he starts circular motions. "Get ready, baby."

Decided to update bc someone is keeping track of how many days it's been since I last updated... aha! Yes, I try my best to read the comments, but there are a lot sooooooo yeah... an update😁

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