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It was super early and the sun wasn't up yet

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It was super early and the sun wasn't up yet. The girls piled into the bus, making it crowded because they allowed the JV members to come along.

"Everyone should be sitting with their roommate, so we don't lose count." Coach Payne instructs, leaning against the chairs and he looked as tired as we were. "Has everyone used the toilets because our one stop will be in an hour and a half."

"Excuse me coach." Leslie says tiredly, standing behind coach Payne. He steps aside trying to make enough space, but Leslie rolls her eyes and hugs her pillow tighter as she passes. "Thanks."

"That should be everyone." Harry climbs up the stairs, looking at the back. "If you hadn't used the bathroom, you're going to have to hold it until six." he glances at his watch. "Unless you ladies want to use the bus' toilet and if you do, please do not take a shit." he begs, making the bus fill with laughter. "You're laughing, but I'm serious."

"Yeah, trust us." Coach Payne steps in. "We'll all suffer."

Harry goes over and talks to the bus driver while Coach Payne sits in the seats across from me and Monique. The doors shut and Harry sits next to him.

"Are you ready?" he asks softly.

"Quite nervous." I tell him.

"Don't be," he smiles. "You'll do great because we've practice just enough."

"I- I know, but that's not why." I say, tapping my fingers against the armrest. "Zayn arranged for my mom to come and she'll want to talk."

"Your mom is going to be there?" Monique jumps in and I nod. "How does your dad feel about that? And Alec?"

"My dad doesn't know, but Alec will try to stray him away from her." I tell the plan. "Can you guys help with that as well?"

"Yeah of course," Monique pats my arm.

I look over to Harry and he nods. I smile, shifting in my seat and tried rubbing the goosebumps off my arms.

"Here," Harry pulls his hoodie off and hands it to me. "It'll take a while for the bus to heat up."

I pull it over, feeling the warmth he put in it. He bites his lip, staring at me. Coach Payne pulls him away from that and starts talking to him about the traffic and the possible alternate route we'd have to take. I turn my head and Monique was texting away on her phone. I just put my headphones in, letting my eyes droop close.


Monique's voice wakes me up when she squeezes past me. Her face gets in front of mine and she smiles.

"Good morning sunshine." she says with a high pitched voice.

"Come on Kenneth, leave her alone." I hear Harry chuckle and I turn to see him standing in front of his seat. "Go use the bathroom and get something to eat."

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