Chapter 9

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Mileena's Pov.

These past few months me and Liam have gotten really close we're not dating, even though I really want too.

I've been helping Liam stop smoking, last month I went with Liam to visit his parents, they are really nice and they like me.

"Hey Mileena, do you have any plans tonight" Liam asked walking into the kitchen.

"No, I'm free tonight, actually I'm free every night I'm a loner" I said giggling.

"Dinner date tonight at 8:00" Liam said happy walking away.

I smiled to myself and screamed in the inside.

I ran upstairs and ran into Gabbys room, and I see Harry and her making out and Harry in top of her, don't worry they have their clothes on.

"Woah, I'm leaving" I said closing my eyes and trying to find my way to the door.

"No it's ok Mileena, come back, Harry here was on his way to go to the store with the boys" Gabby said hiding he face in his chest.

"I'll be back" Harry said kissing her and he left the room with a smile on his face.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have walked in like that, I was just too excited" I said blushing about liam

"Wait what are you blushing abou- omg Liam finally asked you out" Gabby said getting off the bed and she ran out of her room and came back with Sally.

"Liam finally asked Mileena out on a date" Gabby told Sally and they both had a huge smile in their faces.

" Guys stop, I need your help, I don't know what to wear" I said laying on the bed.

"Shopping time" they screamed I laughed, I'm glad to have these amazing cousins.

Liam's Pov.

"So you just went up to her and asked if she was free tonight"Niall asked.

Right now me and the boys are at the store.

"Yeah, I finally asked her out" I said and the boys all jumped up and cheered.

"Finally" Harry said.

"So what are you going to take her?" Zayn asked as he grabbed a box if cereal.

" I'm not telling you guys, I don't want you spying on us" I said.

"The girls are out shopping, let's finish grocery shopping and go back home" Louis said as he grabbed junk food.

Gabby's Pov.

Liam finally asked Mileena out an we are going to the mall, so she can find something to wear.

"Let's go girls, I texted Harry and the boys and told them were going shopping, let me tell Eleanor and Perrie" I said walking to Louis room to get Eleanor.

"Hey El, you want to go shopping with us girls, Liam finally asked out Mileena so she needs something to wear tonight" I said.

"Omg yes, and let's do some baby shopping" Eleanor said grabbing her purse.

"See this is why your my bffl, and sister, we think alike" I said putting my arm over her shoulder.

"Perrie you coming" I yelled.

"Yes, I'm taking my car" she said walking out of Zayn's room.

2 hours later.

We have done so much shopping, we bought some baby clothes for me, just stuff, we don't know the sex yet but the girls think it's going to be a girl.

Forever and Always/Harry StylesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ