Chapter 45

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Harry's Pov.

I still haven't talked to Gabby about earlier today when she tried to leave. I haven't told her about the restraining order I have on the paparazzi'a they can't harass us or touch us in anyway.

When gabby came back to the bus and told us that Sally was going home. Niall said he was going to take a shower me and the lads heard him crying.

I was about to open the door, for mine and Gabbys room in the back of the bus when I heard her on the phone.

"Yeah, I told her to go home" I heard her say, I think she's had I on speaker cause I can her the other persons voice.

"Okay I'll talk to her me and Jasmine are actually gonna go visit Dad with Priscialla, so I'll tell dad what's going on and talk to Sally" It was Ronnie, the oldest brother.

"I don't even know why she's doing it Ronnie, Niall treats her like a princesses if this about mom being gone I honestly don't know how to help Sally I'm not even like that even though I'm pregnant" I heard her say.

"I know I don't know either I'll find out and let you know bye baby girl" Ronnie said, I heard the phone hang up and I opened the door.

"Hey" She mumbled as she put a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Everything thing alright love?" I asked sitting down next to her.

"Yeah, I just told Ronnie what was going on" She half smiled.

"How's Jake doing" I asked grabbing the roses that she had already seen early when Louis showed her.

"He's doing good, he's in New York with my grandma he met a girl though" Gabby said giggling.

"That's good" I replied looking down at my lap.

I felt cold fingers go under my chin, and my faces turned to Gabby and she kissed me.

"Im sorry" She said pecking my lips and snuggling into my chest.

"It's alright love, I'm sorry for yelling" I told her, as we had both of our foreheads touched.

"I promise I won't ever leave you" She told me.

"And I promise I won't ever leave you" I told her.

"But I have to go to London next week on your guys break" She said sitting back on the pillow, criss cross apple sauce.

"We can go wherever you want" I said pecking her lips.

"20 weeks pregnant so far, second trimester is over now it's just all about them food cravings" Gabby said rubbing her belly, I shook my head and chuckled.

"I want the babies to come already"I whined and she chuckled.

"We don't even know the genders, weirdo" She said as she ruffled my hair.

I looked at her and she was just smiling at me.

"Get some sleep you weirdo, your staring at me like you want to eat me or something" She said poking my stomach.

"Well theirs is something I want to eat out" I said smirking and she smacked my arm.

"You dirty little cheeky bastard" she said, I cracked up laughing.

I took of my shirt and she looked at me, biting her lip and blushing.

"It's okay love, just say I make you hor-"She cut me off by smacking the back of my head.

"Stop your dirty talking Styles" She said covering herself with the blanket.

"Let's go to sleep babies" I said uncovering her and kissing her belly.

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