Chapter 49

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Harry's Pov.

I said goodbye to all my family and told my mum and dad ( Robin ), Gemma goodnight.

I walked upstairs an entered my room quietly without waking up my sleeping princess, she's asleep laying down on her side, I took off my clothes, fully naked (;

I wrapped my arm securely around Gabby's waist, I felt the babies kick a couple times which made me crack a smile, I soon fell asleep with a smile.

~ the next morning ~

I woke up to giggles, I fluttered my eyes open and saw Gemma standing by the bed, and Gabby is awake.

"Go away I'm sleeping" I mumbled while still holding on to Gabby.

"Harry let the poor girl go, she's been trying to move but your too strong" Gemma told me, I smiled.

"Harry please I need to shower"Gabby said poking my cheek.

"He's naked isn't he?" I hear Gemma ask.

"Yeah, he is" Gabby giggled.

"Harry get up" Gemma sat on my back and pulled my hair.

"Ow!" I told her, her and Gabby laughed.

"Thank god I thought you wouldn't let me go" Gabby said to me as she stood up from the bed.

"Don't let me go cause I'm tired of sleeping alone" I sang to her with a smirk and she rolled her eyes.

"Okay, Gem get off my back I can't breath" I mumbled, she slapped my head and got off.

"Get up you lazy bum we have to start getting ready" She said to me as, her and Gabby both left my room, I sat up from the bed and grabbed my boxers.

I went down stairs and greeted my mum a good morning and kissed her cheek as she poured me tea.

"Gabby was telling me yesterday the babies are starting to kick" My mum explained.

"Yeah, they started kicking yesterday morning, it got Gabby so excited even the boys got so excited, Perrie literally jumping off the walls like Eleanor and Danielle " I told my mum, she laughed and smiled.

"You both seem so excited, is she having a baby shower" She asked, I shook my head.

"I don't know Gabby told the girl she didn't want one, but the girls are making a baby shower for Gabby, so Gabby and the girls are starting to plan it tomorrow" I explained.

"That's sounds like fun, what about the wedding?" My mum asked another question, I chuckled.

"The girls are going to start planning it soon" I told her, she nodded and set her cup in the sink.

"Go take a shower now dear, we have a long day" Mum said to me, she took my cup and I thanked her. I walked upstairs and saw Gabby was out of the shower I walked into my room and saw Gabby in a sun dress for right now.

"I'm changing the dress after I'm done with my hair and makeup" She told me.

"Beautiful" I told her as I was standing by my door, she smiled.

"Go take a shower babe, here this towel is clean" She stood up and handed me the towel.

"Thanks" I pecked her lips and walked into the bathroom, I kept the door unlock just in case Gabby needed to blow dry her hair.

"Hey babe, I'm going to blow dry my hair" I hear Gabby say from the other side of the shower curtain.

"Have you told Gemma about the baby shower you and the girls are planning" I asked, as I put shampoo in my hair.

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