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"so," hoseok smiled as he walked. "my mom seems to really like you."

yoongi had insisted on walking him back to his room. they'd been by each others sides all day: yoongi had sat with him all through group, keeping his hand protectively on hoseok's thigh. he'd sat with hoseok at dinner, which jimin wasn't too happy about but didn't make a huge scene, thankfully. after dinner they went to the lounge and watched cheesy romance movies way past sunset.

hoseok tried to pretend that he didn't like this new side of yoongi, but it was useless as he was just left a blushing and smiling mess. yoongi thought it was cute.

"that she does," the blonde grinned proudly.

it was quiet for a few moments and then it clicked in hoseok's head as they continued past his room that yoongi was leading him elsewhere. "hyung, where are we going?" it was well past eleven o'clock, and the patients weren't allowed to be out of their rooms past midnight, so hoseok was nervous walking around the halls.

"don't worry, i wanna show you something. just keep quiet, we don't wanna get caught," yoongi whispered, squeezing hoseok's hand that was intertwined with his.

they were walking towards the end of the main hall, and hoseok's heart jumped when he saw the familiar door. is he taking me to the roof? hoseok thought. and sure enough, yoongi stopped in front of the door and looked around to make sure they were alone before pulling it open and ushering the younger inside.

yoongi enjoyed the view as he climbed the ladder after hoseok; the younger's ass was right in front of him and it looked so tempting.

further up the ladder, hoseok climbed rung after rung until finally he pulled himself to the top and stood, reaching his hand out for yoongi to grab. once they were both standing, yoongi smirked before pulling out a piece of fabric that looked a lot like a tie from his pocket.

"what are you..."hoseok trailed off as yoongi stepped closer and placed the tie over the younger's eyes, tying it in the back. "if this is some fifty shades of grey shit, i swear-"

"shh, just take my hand and trust me."

hoseok blindly followed yoongi, their hands clasped tightly together. he heard the door open and close behind them, and then he felt the fresh air around them. before he could open his mouth to speak, yoongi's hands were at the back of his head, undoing the blindfold.

hoseok's jaw dropped once he regained vision.

before them, in the centre of the rooftop, lay a blanket on which a picnic was set up. a string of fairy lights framed the blanket, and hoseok wanted to cry.

he turned around, eyes shining, "did you really do all of this for me?" he asked in a quiet voice. "how?"

a wide gummy smile spread across the blondes lips as he stepped forward again. wrapping hoseok in his embrace, he pressed a kiss to the younger's soft and rosy lips. "i pulled a few strings."

the younger laughed breathlessly, just burying his head in the others neck. "you never fail to surprise me, min yoongi."

eventually, they pulled out of each others embrace and sat down on the blanket. "did you steal this from the lounge?" hoseok asked knowingly.

yoongi chuckled, "don't act like you didn't steal like, five that time we had a movie marathon in your room."

yoongi had truly packed a bountiful picnic: there was champagne, little sandwiches and various fruits. hoseok admittedly really liked the champagne, and within half an hour had already had a few glasses.

"yoongi," he hiccuped, clinging onto said male's arm, "kiss me."

"god, you're a lightweight."

"but you can't resist this, hyung," hoseok giggled, puckering his lips impatiently.

yoongi leant forward and connected their lips, and in an instant it was like hoseok was sober. yoongi's small and slightly chapped lips perfectly complemented hoseok's smooth and full ones. their kiss was like a dance, moving in such a rhythm as if there was music playing in both boys' heads. yoongi's hand went up to rest at the younger's neck, pulling him closer.

hoseok shifted so that he was in the elders lap, arms loosely around yoongi's neck. the brunettes hands were tangled in yoongi's hair, eliciting quiet groans from the elder.

the wet sound of kissing was the only noise for miles; they were alone, alone together, and they loved it because they had each other.

after some time hoseok had to pull away for air, and he sat panting in yoongi's lap, staring lustfully down at the elder.

"i love you, yoongi."

the words kind of slipped past hoseok's lips without any kind of warning, and hoseok would have taken them back if they weren't absolutely true.

yoongi's reaction was not one hoseok expected. the elder looked him in the eyes, almost searching for something, and then cast his brown eyes toward the night sky.

"hoseok, you have to love yourself before you can ever begin to love me."

the younger frowned, his lips pouted. he turned himself around in yoongi's lap so that he was laying down, head resting on yoongi's leg. "that's all you have to say?"

yoongi chuckled, looking back down into hoseok's eyes. the eyes of a person he was so scared of loving, yet he was so completely sure that he was the only person yoongi could ever love.

"seok-ah, love is a really serious thing. growing up, i never had a chance to see it. i told myself that i would never allow myself to love someone because i always believed my mother loved my father and then she left with some guy i'd never seen like the twenty years she spent with my dad were nothing. he turned into this monster, and i thought, how can this be love? i grew to fear love.

"when i met jimin, from the moment i saw him i knew i wanted him. it was such an unfamiliar feeling, this desperate need to be with another person constantly. jimin eventually taught me that that feeling was love. we were happy, for a while. i wasn't so scared anymore. but then we broke up, and i started thinking that maybe i just wasn't meant to have someone love me. i didn't deserve it. just like what my father always told me."

hoseok gently took yoongi's hand in his, rubbing his thumb over the knuckles.

"then you came, and i was so so scared, because there was that feeling again. after jimin, i didn't talk to anyone besides namjoon, and didn't want to ever get into another relationship. but as i got to know you, and i got to understand you, i told myself, this boy needs someone to show him how beautiful he is. he needs someone to show him that he deserves love and affection no matter how he looks, or what size jeans he wears." yoongi looked down, brushing a strand of hoseok's hair out of his eyes with his free hand. "i know i'm not the ideal person to love, it's going to be really difficult. i'll have days where i'm just going to scream and cry and want to end everything. but i promise you, jung hoseok, i will never leave you. i will spend every day of my life reminding you how special, smart, kind, caring, funny, and beautiful you are. i just hope it's enough to make you stay."

fat tears were rolling nonstop down hoseok's cheeks by the time yoongi finished. "god, hyung," hoseok sniffled, wiping his cheeks with his sweater sleeve. "you make my confession look like shit after that."

yoongi just laughed, pulling hoseok up and into a hug. his hands rubbed up and down the thin boy's back, "oh, hoseok. i love you so, so much. you can tell me you love me any way you want, you silly boy."

"i love you too, hyung. a-and thank you."

"for what?"

"for making me feel beautiful for the first time in two and a half years."

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