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    -Main character is blessed by every god/goddess. Might as well just make them a god for Hades Sake.

-Leo is not cheesy and funny he is instead handsome and making out with peeps... like no stop. Leo is supposed to be funny and cheesy and all. Not making out with every girl he lays eyes on. But you know I guess not.

  -calypso? She in some but she is either like killed off or Leo is crazy trying to find her therefore making the ending to BoO false. CALEO IS CANON, NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT.

   -The main character is flawless,but thinks she is messed up. Never a HE because gods forbid a boy ever be a main character.

-the big 3 having kids, what happens to their oath? I HATE when I'm reading a really good fan fic then they bring in another kid of the big three. It irritates me because then it's like they write they're story like Percy's and then it's like Percy was never existent because they all be praising Lightning Light or some weird ass name related to their parent cuz no one can apparently stand a normal name!
(That was a longer rant then intended)

-main character always faints, at everything.
*sees water* faints
*sees food* faints.
Like go see a doctor.

-OC name is sooo Long. Like go with a name like. MARY, ZAcH, Gavin, emilee,Ashlyn,Megan,Mya. Anything, doesn't have to be 'miranda green cereal light giraffe supercalifragilisticexpialidocious grass Evan Sanchez junior the third.'

-OC usually is invincible or dies VERY DRAMATICALLY. Like can u not.

-truth or dare is ALWAYS in the Poseidon cabin.

  Till next time.

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