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Pertemis is ARTEMIS you know that one goddess who swore off men and has a whole army of young girls who agree!
So when you ship them together or have Percy as the son of Artemis. It's just fucked up and it needs to stop.

When people have no detail to their sentences.
It's so plain. Example.

"I walked outside. Then stood. I then went to Africa. Came back. Now I'm a demigod. Life's been good. 2 years later and now I'm in my house. I walked to my window. I heard a knock. Wow, it was a monster. After I defeated it, I got food."


When the chapters are no joke 2 sentences long. And then they apologise for it being so short. Like if ur gonna do that don't publish it. Build up on the chapter make it damn good and then publish it. Don't half ass it and expect to be the best known writer out their. Do you think Rick Riordan is gonna publish 2 pages a year? No.


For me this is in overall fanfics or stories but when they use the words: Tummy, or belly. Like cringe is real right there. Maybe that's just me. You know how people can't stand the words. Wet or moist. Thats me but with the words tummy or belly. I don't know why I just think it's childish and doesn't sound right at all. Stomach, like just say that. Don't go all

"My tummy hurts." Said the 18 YEAR OLD. Please stop, my eyes want to light themselves on fire and jump into Tartarus.

When the plot IDEA is good but is written poorly. Very poorly. I'm not gonna sugar coat it but basically the writing sucks.its plain and boring and dull. I'll fall in love with the plot idea but then I read it and I'm like I could write this better, but I don't wanna take their idea. So I just make up how it could go. And don't read it.

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