1. | So You're a Smart One?

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"You need to breathe. It's just your first day. You got the job, now you just have to do your job," I reminded myself as I walked into the giant doors of Illusion Magazine, which was currently the most popular magazine in print. Luckily, I had just landed an internship here, which was amazing considering they were only hiring one select spot, and I got it. Out of the thousands of people that applied, it had been me. I shook my head. That was making me overwhelmed.

I took a deep breath and walked up to the front desk. "Hello Miss, how may I help you?" the receptionist asked, barely glancing at me. "Hi, I'm um, I'm here for my internship. I'm Chloe, Chloe Green, I was told to check in here," I stammered. God, I felt like such an idiot. Who acts like this on their very first day?

"Oh, an intern? Through that door there," the woman shooed me away toward a door that lead into a rather empty room. Magazine publications were plastered on the wall, their biggest publications I suppose. I stared in awe at all of the celebrities that were photographed on the front covers. I felt so out of my element. There was no way I was qualified to be working with big times like this.

"I don't care, we have to get this story out. Now I'm swamped trying to find out the truth about this giant breakup! We gave him a deadline and I intend to keep it at that! Now, I have to meet with an intern, so while I'm doing that, get me someone who actually wants to do their job!" a voice yelled from the hallway. I turned around to look and saw a woman walk in. She was tall, with long brown hair, wearing a pantsuit, and authority was written all over her face. She looked like she was the definition of a boss.

"Good morning Chloe. Sorry if you heard any of that," she said gesturing to the hallway. I shrugged. "I didn't hear much, plus I'm sure it can get stressful around here." I said sympathetically. The woman laughed. "I'm Jessie, and I must say your resume is rather impressive. A degree in journalism from Yale University, along with years of relevant writing experience. I am very excited to see how you will do here," she smiled. "Thank you, I-" I was interrupted by someone flying through the door.

"Jessie, everyone has a story. There's no one that has a chance to commit to this. People are just too busy. Please don't fire me," said a young man, flinching. Jessie sighed in defeat. I was so confused. "It's fine Paul, just, get to work," she said, waving him off.

I breathed in deeply, finding the courage to ask her a question. "Jessie, might I ask what all of this is about?" I sat down, looking across the table at her. "Well, usually I don't share big projects like this with interns, but you seem more than qualified to know. About a month ago management from Harry Styles called us, asking for us to do a full in depth story about his music, daily life, touring, family, friends. Everything. The whole package. We'd been asking for months, and they finally contacted us saying Harry is more than happy to share his world and daily life with all of his fans, saying it humanizes him a bit more," Jessie explained.

Harry Styles? I do not even believe what I'm hearing. A few years ago in high school and in college I was the biggest fan of One Direction. Now, I'm just a 23 year old hoping and praying they get back together secretly. But that's besides the point.

"Can I help? I know everyone is busy, but maybe there is something I can do? Maybe step in for one of them while they cover this story?" I asked. "That's a very generous offer, but typically I start interns off carting things around the office, and everyone is just so devoted to their current pieces. I just have to hope a miracle comes my way. There has to be someone, someone in this office with respected experience and some reliability, even if-" she paused mid sentence.

"Jessie? Is everything alright?" I asked, slightly concerned. "Yes, yes of course. I just, You." she said under her breath. I couldn't quite understand her. "What? Did you say something about me?" I clarified. "I'm desperate. You have more experience than most people working in this office. You went to an Ivy League School, your application was flawless. Think of this as your reward for all that hard work. I wouldn't normally do this, but I'm desperate." she said, turning to look at me.

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