7. | Just Do You, Lad

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"It's not funny, Louis, if I was kidding I would have said so. This is serious," I said sternly over the phone. Niall laughed. "Harry, come on lad, this situation is just so typical of you though," Louis said, continuing to laugh. I rolled my eyes. "I mean, he's got a point. You've contacted us so many times about these girls that walk into your life and you feel something toward them but then we never hear anything back," Liam reminded me, laughing a little. 

I had phoned the group chat to get some advice about the Chloe situation, but it seemed like it was basically becoming a joke to them, which I guess kind of makes sense. I do have a lot of girl problems. 

"Honestly, Harry, just do you, lad. There's nothing wrong with that," Niall said and I smiled. "Mate, there's everything wrong with that," Louis teased, and we all burst out laughing. I missed these guys. "So, we know Harry has girl issues, which is usual, but what about everyone else? How's life, lads?" Louis asked, and we all started chatting about our solo projects and our music. I felt bad because I think a lot of fans believe none of us keep in touch anymore, but we always talk with each other when we all have the chance. When you go through the best and worst times of your life with a great group of guys, they can't just disappear from your life entirely by the snap of someone's fingers. 

After talking with the boys, I felt so much better. My mind was clear and my heart felt full. It was the best idea I could have had at six in the morning. I decided that I was awake now and chose to go and grab something to eat from the restaurant downstairs. I felt if I was quiet enough and kept a low profile, no one would be suspicious. I threw on sweats and a jumper and walked out of my room. 

Surprisingly enough, Chloe was standing right there, the door closing to her room as well. Although she was staying at her apartment while we were in New York, she was keeping all of her reporting things at the hotel so they were close to everything she was writing about. She must have been up working all night. 

The last time I saw her was when we had almost kissed, hence why I phoned the lads after not being able to sleep all night. 

"Hey," she said, smiling shyly. "I thought you went home last night?" I asked, standing by my door. "I walked Hayley home but I couldn't sleep so I came here to work. I actually wrote a lot of the article last night. It's coming along nicely," she said, and I felt upset. Of course there would come a time when she's got all of the information she needs and won't need to be around me anymore. That's going to be hard for me to take. 

"Going to eat?" she asked, snapping me out of my trance. I nodded. "Well, mind if I join you? I was just going there myself. It's been a long night," she admitted, and I felt a bit guilty. Either she was up because she needed to work on a story about me, or she couldn't sleep because of the fact we almost kissed. Either way, it directly involved me. 

"Sure." I said, and smiled at her, walking toward the elevator. There was an awkward silence among us, something that I feared would become permanent if neither of us acknowledged it. "Look, Chloe, I don-" "It's okay Harry you don't have to apologize about it." she said, looking to the floor. I shook my head. 

"I wasn't going to apologize. I was going to explain that I don't regret what I did, or what we almost did, and I wanted to kiss you. I'm not going to apologize for that at all," I said, looking towards her. She was blushing, her cheeks had become bright red. 

We then stepped into the elevator and the silence fell over us again before she spoke. "I just wish things were easier. Why couldn't I have just been someone you met on the street or at one of your concerts? Why did it have to be like this?" she asked, and I felt the sadness in her voice. "Unfair things happen to me all the time. I guess it's kind of just my life," I said, and the elevator opened, revealing an empty, quiet lobby. 

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