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"And Harry, can you give us any insight into when or if One Direction will be getting back together?" my interviewer asked. I shook my head. "I love the lads but the date is unknown. Hopefully in the distant future though," I said, restating what I had heard Liam say in an interview a few months back. "And how about you, your solo career?" he asked, "Got any music coming out soon?" I sighed. "I'm working on lots right now, but I'm also heading out on the road next week for a few shows here and there and some other interviews," I told him, and he congratulated me on my success and wished me luck. I thanked him as well and left the room. 

"Perfect, now go hop on the bus. We need to be in Chicago by 3," Madison told me, ushering me out of the building. "Can we stop to grab a bite? I'm starving," I complained. "Eat something on the bus Harry, there's no time," she said before taking a phone call. Wow, okay then. 

I hopped on the bus and saw a cute blonde haired girl writing on her laptop. I smiled. "Anything good to eat on here?" I asked her, picking apart the cupboards. "If you like pudding then yeah. For some reason there's five packs of pudding in there. I found that out when I went to make myself breakfast this morning and the only option was vanilla pudding," she pouted. "What the hell? Why pudding? ANDREW!" I yelled, and Andrew quickly came onto the bus. 

"Why the hell is there nothing to eat besides pudding?" I asked. I was starved. "Because you forgot to tell us what you wanted to eat so Madison just picked out the easiest, least messiest food she could find and stocked up on it," Andrew said, and I rolled my eyes. "I've had enough of this," I said angrily. "Harry, what are you doing?" I heard Chloe call from behind me. I walked off the bus and up to Madison, who was still on the phone. I signaled that I wanted to talk to her and she wrapped up her conversation. 

"Harry, I thought I told you to get on the bus," she said, looking at me annoyed. "Well, I wanted to eat today, but since all we have is pudding I guess we're both out of luck," I glared at her. Madison had only been working for me for a little over a year, but she was really starting to push her luck. "Harry, watch yourself, someone could be hearing this right now," she warned. I shook my head. "Is that all that matters to you? You do know I'm a human being right? There's more to me than just what cameras capture and what stories tell. I'm allowed to have friends, I'm allowed to fall in love, I'm allowed to live! I'm also allowed to eat! So, I'm going to lay down the law right here, right now. First, I will be friends with Chloe, and if it so happens the media captures us out together, then so be it. If I fall in love with her, then so be it. I want to live my life. And, if I want to eat a meal, then I'm going to eat one. So, I'm going to go inform the bus driver that we will be stopping at McDonald's and I'm throwing that pudding out. Understand?" I said. She stood there stunned.

I didn't wait for her response. I turned around and walked over to my bus driver, who was thrilled to hear we would be stopping at McDonald's since he was also starving. Then, I walked back on the bus and Chloe was on her phone. 

"Oh, here he is," Chloe said, and turned the phone toward me. On the screen was another girl with brown wavy hair. "Wow, there he is, in the flesh," the girl said. I laughed. "Who's this?" I asked, sitting down beside Chloe and throwing my face in front of the phone. "I'm Hayley, Chloe's roommate and best friend. I know her better than anyone, and I also know she's too good for you, Styles," Hayley said, grinning. A smirk formed on my face. "Hayley! Don't be rude," Chloe said, and I laughed. "I think you might be right, Hayley. What do you think would make me worthy? A college degree from an Ivy League School?" I asked, and Hayley contemplated it. 

"Only if you can graduate with high honours," she said, and my eyes bulged. I turned to look at Chloe who was blushing profusely. "You graduated from Yale University with high honours?" I asked. She nodded her head slowly. "Holy shit." I said, turning back to face the screen. 

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