20. | I Think this is Heaven

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The past week has been one of self reflection and serious decision making. Sometimes, the only way to make hard life decisions is to separate yourself from everything and really weigh all the pros and cons and just be by yourself. It allows for a clear mind and a clear outlook. 

That's exactly what I've done. 

It's become extremely apparent to me that I want a relationship with Chloe. Not a little fling, not something where I go out with her for a few months because I've become bored, but a real relationship where I could finally have a girlfriend that I want to spend all my time with. I thought it'd take forever to find her, but after spending all this time being friends, and now being in between friends, I knew it. I'd never been more sure of anything in my entire life.

Now, I'm flying back to New York to tell her. I wasn't sure how she was going to react, but I knew I needed to tell her. 

But for now, all I could do was fall asleep, since there was a 7 hour flight ahead of me.


"Thanks for picking me up, Hayley." I said, as we walked out to her car. "No problem. I understand that you wanted to surprise Chloe. To be honest, she's been so annoying this past week. She won't shut up about all the shit you guys have done together and I'm really getting sick and tired of hearing over and over again, in explicit detail, the recap of your helicopter date." Hayley groaned and a smile spread over my face. 

"Really now?" I smirked at her. "Yeah, oh my god. Just go in there and tell her everything she's been dying to hear. She really likes you Harry." Hayley confirmed. "And, do I have your blessing?" I asked, raising my eyebrows at her. Hayley rolled her eyes. "I guess so. But don't let that go to your head, got it? I'm still going to be protective of her." Hayley warned me and I could tell she was absolutely serious. The friendship they have is unlike anything I'd ever seen before. 

Once we pulled into the parking lot of their apartment, I quickly hopped out of the car, disregarding my bags and running into the building. I skipped the elevator and ran to the stair well, worried that waiting for the elevator would give me time to overthink and back out.

Once I got to their floor I flew out of the stairwell and ran to the door, knocking urgently. A few seconds later, the door swung open to reveal Chloe, in an oversized sweater and black skinny jeans. Her hair was in a ponytail and there wasn't a trace of makeup on her face. She'd never looked more beautiful to me. 

"Harry? What on earth? What are you doing here? You're supposed to be in London!" she said, confusion taking over her face. Before I could answer the elevator opened and Hayley walked out, looking over to us. "Oh, perfect. You two have met." She laughed and walked past Chloe and went straight into the apartment. Chloe's eyebrows furrowed and she opened her mouth to question me again but I stopped her. 

"I spent hours, and hours, trying to figure out a reason why we shouldn't be together. I've been running from relationships for years, because each time I get too scared and back out. I thought of countless reasons why I want to be with you, but I couldn't think of one reason not to be. Not a single fucking reason. There's nothing that is stopping me anymore. I knew I was going to like you from the minute I laid my eyes on you. The first day we met, I knew you were going to impact my life somehow, but I couldn't have dreamed of this. You're everything, everything I've ever wanted in a girl, and more. There's not a second that goes by that I'm not thinking about you. Ever since I first saw you, I haven't been able to stop thinking about you and it's driving me fucking crazy."

"Your smile, your sense of humor, your intelligence, your laugh. Your devotion to your best friend, your outlook on life, your interest in your career, everything you do just makes me fall for you even more. And trust me, I've been with my fair share of women, but none of them have captivated me like you have. So, what I'm trying to say here, is, can we cut the bullshit and just get together? I'm not going to be able to function much longer if I can't hold you and know that you're mine." I finished, and I felt a huge weight lift off my shoulders. I don't even know where that came from, but it came at the perfect time.

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