19. | Just Let it Happen

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My eyes fluttered open slowly as they began to take in my surroundings. In front of me was Chloe, cuddled up into my shoulder, breathing slowly, fast asleep. My heart raced as I looked at her. It was going to be so hard to leave. 

"So don't," a voice said from the doorway, and my eyes snapped to the door to see Hayley standing there sipping a cup of coffee. "Did I say that out loud?" I asked, a bit embarrassed. She laughed lightly. "No, but I can tell you don't want to leave. That's what you were thinking, right?" she said. I slowly nodded my head. "You don't get it though. If I could stay here longer, I would, but that's just not reality. I can't drop my entire life, even though at times I really wish I could," I said softly, looking down at Chloe to make sure she was still asleep. 

"Well, since she's going off to write about Taylor Swift, and you're going off to keep recording your album, maybe you guys will be able to see what's best for each of you. Right now, I think we can both agree its not practical. Flying across the country just to see her. Flying her across the country to see you. It's taking a toll on both of you. And this isn't even official yet, right?" Hayley said and I felt a blush creep up on my face.

"Right," I said quietly. "Give yourself some time to think about it, and she'll do the same. If you want to truly be in a committed relationship with her, which, I'm guessing part of you wants, then make sure you know exactly what you're getting into. She was in a really bad place when she ended things with Ryan, and after she met you, it was like she was a different person. I love seeing her happy, but I'm also the one that's going to have to pick up the pieces if you decide to throw her on the floor two months into the relationship, and I don't want that for her just because you jumped the gun and got into something you weren't ready for. You need to be sure, Harry." Hayley spoke honestly and truthfully and it really hit home.

She was right. I needed to be sure of this. I didn't want to hurt Chloe if I ended up not being able to sustain a relationship after two months of dating. I wanted better for her. I wanted her to know that if I was going to commit to this, I was going to be serious. 

"When does she leave? For the story?" I asked, and Hayley shrugged. "Apparently Taylor is coming to New York to work with her, so she won't actually be flying around the country with her, but she is going to be spending a lot of time with her, so I'm guessing that it's gonna take the same amount of time your article did, if not more," Hayley admitted. I nodded. 

"I think I'm gonna fly home. Visit my mum and sister, talk to them and think things through. She knows I'm leaving today, so I'm going to wake her up so she has a chance to say bye and stuff. Thanks, Hayley," I spoke softly. She nodded and smiled before walking away into the kitchen. I gently nudged Chloe and her face scrunched up. 

"Oh my god," she groaned, turning over and away from me. I felt a frown tug at my lips due to the loss of contact. "I feel like I got hit by a truck," she whined and I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her to me. "You look like it, too," I whispered into her ear and she swatted me in the arm while I was laughing. "Very funny, Styles. You're hilarious," she said sarcastically and I laughed. "Kidding, I'm just kidding," I said, smiling at her. 

"I need medicine. Now." She said, rolling out of my arms and out of the bed. She ran into the bathroom and swallowed a couple tablets of Advil before coming back into the bedroom. "How drunk was I last night?" she asked, wincing a bit, waiting for my answer. "Well, you were extremely flirty, that's all I'm going to say," I chuckled. She ran a hand through her messy, but cute hair. "Oh god, I don't even want to imagine what I was like. Just forget about anything I said or did," she groaned. I shook my head. "I'm afraid not, I don't think I could forget any of the stuff you did last night," I winked at her and her eyes grew wide. 

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