13. | Yeah, that's about Right

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I woke up, the sun shining on my face. The sun here was a lot warmer than the sun in New York and I was extremely fond of it. My affection for the sun soon dwindled when I realized I would be flying home today. My three day vacation was over, and although I had so much fun running around LA and doing crazy stuff with Harry, I knew that a whole life was waiting for me at home. That was just something I needed to accept.

"Wake up!" Harry shouted, walking into my room and flicking on the light, making the room much brighter. Luckily, the sun was already on my face so it didn't affect me much. "I made some breakfast so you can eat before your flight!" he said excitedly. I rolled over in the bed. "Gee, thanks, mom," I teased, but he looked so proud. I took this moment to look him over. He was wearing grey, pyjama type pants, a black t-shirt, and a white apron. It was so incredibly adorable.

"Oh, you like the apron, hey?" he said, doing a little spin. I laughed and threw a pillow at him. "Hey! My apron says 'Kiss the Cook' not 'Throw a pillow at the Cook'" he said, half laughing, half pouting. "Sorry, Styles, I'll be there in a second, I just need to change, so get out" I said, jokingly. He shrugged. "Or, I could just stay..." he said, lifting his eyebrows at me. I rolled my eyes. "Nice try," I said, pointing toward the door. He frowned and walked out, and I laughed to myself.

I threw on black leggings and a big sweater and walked out to meet him in the kitchen. Sure enough, there was a buffet there. A buffet for all two of us. "Did you invite the whole city to eat with us too?" I said, confused. He shook his head. "No, silly, not the whole city, but I did invite someone. Just a close friend who's in town and wanted to stop by. Hope that's okay," he said, smiling, and I just shrugged. "Sounds good," I said, pouring myself some coffee.

Just then the doorbell rang, and Harry hollered, "It's open!". The door opened up to reveal a tall, brown-haired Irish guy, also known as Niall Horan. "Harold, this is all you made?" he said, walking into the kitchen, giving Harry a quick hug, and then analyzing the giant breakfast that covered the entire island. And, let me just clarify, Harry's kitchen island is bigger than my entire kitchen. I was also still registering that another celebrity was in the same room as me.

"Screw off," Harry said, hitting Niall with the tea towel. Niall screamed like a little girl and took a seat on one of the bar stools beside me. "Hey Chloe!" he said, extending his arm to pull me into a side hug. I gratefully accepted and hugged him back, before Harry put a massive pile of food in front of me. I looked back at him skeptically. "I can't even see the plate," I said, and before he could answer, Niall spoke up, "I'll eat what you can't finish!" he grinned, and I shook my head laughing.

We all ate breakfast, and I mainly listened to the two of them talk about the music they were making and about some of their fondest memories in the band together. I pitched in on some of the conversation, but I didn't have much to say. How was I going to compete with going on tour, travelling the world, and being a multi-millionaire. The only tour I've ever been on was the campus tour at Yale. And it wasn't exactly sold out, either.

I glanced down at my phone and the time read 11:10 AM, which meant I needed to be at the airport in about 50 minutes. "What's up, love?" Harry said, noticing I was frowning at my phone screen. "I need to go pack. I have to be at the airport in under an hour," I said, and I saw the look on his face change. He did not seem pleased by my words. "Right, I forgot about that," he trailed off, and I nodded my head slowly. "Yeah, I don't live here with you," I reminded him and his frown turned into a smirk. "Don't go there, Styles," I warned, but it was too late.

"I think it would be lovely if you lived here," he flirted, before he burst out laughing. "You walked right into that one," he teased, and I sighed. "I know, I know," I shooed him away and I excused myself to go and pack. They were chatting away so I assumed that it was a good time to leave.

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