12. | Not Now, Not Ever

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The plane touched down, jolting me awake. Andrew was sitting beside me and laughed slightly as I shot up. "We're almost there, H. Just relax," he said, patting my shoulder. I smiled, feeling relief, since part of me briefly forgot where I was. It happens more than you think. I then remembered I wasn't travelling alone and turned to look at the gorgeous blonde sitting on the other side of the plane, still asleep. 

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Andrew said, gesturing toward the girl I was staring at. To be honest, I wasn't sure bringing a girl I've only known for over a month to L.A. was a good idea. However, in the moment I had invited her, my heart was speaking a lot louder than my brain. But was I going to admit that to Andrew? No way. 

"I do, yeah. We'll get to know each other better and it's only for three days anyways. It's not like she's moving in," I justified to him. He nodded. "I know that, it's just that usually when you go on apparent vacations with girls you've expressed feelings for, they don't typically go to well," Andrew trailed off, and I looked at him confused. "What do you mean?" I asked. He tilted his head at me, as if to ask 'Are you kidding me?'. "Really, Harry? Remember Taylor?" he said, and I began to laugh. "And that's just one instance," Andrew continued, and I just smile at him. 

"I was so young back then, come on. You've got to give a lad a chance to try again," I defended myself. I didn't really see Chloe as a type of girl that I would just sleep with and leave, or the type of girl that I would date while I had a month off just so I had something to do. She was a girl that I was first and foremost really close friends with. If a relationship was going to ever come from this, it would be based on a solid foundation, not hanging up in the air like everything else in my relationship history. 

"Sure, I guess that's true. Just, watch yourself, okay? I think the press already has ahold of this information and if they snap pictures of her leaving LA alone before you do, we're going to have a few problems," Andrew warned, half laughing at me. I just shook my head. "She's not Taylor 2.0, come on," I said, hitting him in the shoulder. Andrew just laughed and shook his head. 

"I like her, she seems more like a human being than so many of the others. She'll actually sit down and have a conversation with me, and I really like that," Andrew admitted, and I flashed him wide eyes. "Really, now?" I smirked, and he laughed. "Yeah, really," he said, and we both got buckled as we prepared to land. 


"So, this time I'm allowed to stay here?" she asked, dropping her bags in the living room of my house. I laughed. I forgot that the last time she was here was when she was still writing her article, and my team was fighting about how she was a conflict of interest. I smirked at how different things are now. 

"The guest room is just though here," I said, showing her towards the room. I flicked on the light and turned around to see her jaw drop. "Harry, this room is bigger than my apartment," she said, in awe. I laughed. "It's all yours, make yourself comfortable," I said, swinging my arm around her shoulders. She blushed and leaned into me. "It's all mine for three days, then it's back to reality," she sighed. "But with a brand new couch!" I said, trying to lighten her spirits. 

She slightly rolled her eyes, and I smiled. "I'll let you unpack and stuff," I said, backing out of the room and walking into the kitchen. I was looking through the fridge when there was a knock on the door. I wrinkled my eyebrows in confusion and walked over to the door. I opened it and there stood a brunette girl, holding an iPad, with a computer bag slung over her shoulder. "Hi, Harry," she said, extending her hand to me. I shook it, more confused than ever, "Hi?" I said, making it sound like more of a question. 

She walked past me and into the kitchen. "Come in?" I said, turning around and walking over to her. "Can I help you?" I asked, and she lifted her eyebrows at me. "I'm here to write the story on you. Just because the last girl couldn't do it doesn't mean they're pulling the article. I mean, they thought about it, but decided to go ahead with it anyways. I'm Vanessa, nice to meet you," she said, looking down at her iPad. 

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