Chapter Six

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     The next day, Alura was sent home by the doctors, on strict orders to do no superhero-ing. To stay home, on bedrest until further notice. She has listened the past few weeks, but not without constant complaining or begging to go to L-Corp, an nos by Lena.

Alura woke up to soft talking in the other room. One she recognized as Lena, but the other she wasn't able to identify. It was too soft to be Alex, yet too hard to be Sam. Too grown to be Ruby. So, who could it be?

Curiosity getting the best of her, Alura gets out of the warmth of her bed, her bare feet landing on the cold floor. She tip-toes over to her door, and softly opens it. Lena can't be seen, but is heard from the kitchen. But, a girl can be seen. She can't be much older than Alura herself, with curly blonde hair and a leather jacket.

"I heard about Kara and Alura. I wanted to come as soon as I heard, but I knew you would want some time for Alura to wake up and heal. So, when I heard that you got home, I thought it would be a good time." The girl says. "How is she, Alura?"

"Yes, thank you. And she is, okay. I guess?" Lena sighs. "She is going crazy. That girl has always been so go go go, with early graduation, and L-Corp and Green Lantern."

"I was surprised when I heard about a half Kryptonian hero in National City. I didn't think you guys would let her out. Especially Kara."

"Trust me she didn't want her to. At first, when Alura saved Kara, she wanted to support Alura. She felt so bad when Alex didn't support her originally, that she didn't want to put her through that." Lena says. "There were a few times where she regretted it. There were nights we layed in bed, and she debated on telling Alura no, but she never did." She chuckles.

Alura starts to step away and close the door, when it creaks. The curly headed girl turns in the direction, putting her hand over her shoulder, as if to grab something, and brings it down when realizing it wasn't there. Lena's head pokes around the corner. "Alura?" She asks, so the girl steps into sight.

"Hi. Sorry if I'm interrupting anything." Alura says sheepishly.

"Of course not. I wanted you two to meet anyway." Lena waves her in. "Alura, this is Mia Queen, daughter of-"

"Oliver Queen. I didn't know he had a daughter. I knew about William, but not you."

"I get that a lot." Mia chuckles. "I was born right before Crisis, and during a rather hard time for my family, so he and my mother kept me a secret. It is lovely to meet you, I just with it was under better circumstances."

"As do I." Alura nods, going around the counter to get a cup of coffee. "Is it safe to assume you're the new Green Arrow?"

"What makes you think that?"

"First off, when the door squeaked, you put your arm behind your back as if to grab something. An arrow. Also the last name doesn't help."

"You caught me." Mia smirks.

"While you are both here." Lena clears her throat. "I wanted to ask you something, Mia." Both girls turn to her. "I was wondering if maybe you would stay here in National City for a bit, and watch over Alura here for me."

"No." Alura says.


"Ya, no. I don't need anyone to watch over me. I am a damn Kryptonian, pretty much indestructible." Alura scoffs. "I have my powers, I am perfectly able to go to work without so, escort. Especially a human one."

"Alura, there is an unknown substance in the world right now, and until we know where it is, I want someone to protect you. Mia is the best I know."

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