Chapter Seven

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"Are you almost done yet?" Mia moans from the white couch in Alura's office. It was nine thirty at night, late for someone to be working.

"Just about, I only have to check a few more emails." Alura says, typing faster on her computer. "You could always go home. I have my powers, and am more than capable of protecting myself."

"It's not that I don't think you can protect yourself normally, I do, but right now there is an unknown substance going around that can hurt you. I promised Lena to protect you, so I will do just that." Mia responds, standing and walking to the desk. "And protecting you include your health, and this." She gestures to the deak. "Isn't healthy. You shouldn't be working for fifteen hours a day." She shuts the laptop. "So, we are going home."

Alura doesn't argue, just looks in Mia's eyes for a moment, stands, and grabs her bag. "Fine, then lets go." She responds. They walk out, and go to the elevator, down to the parking garage where the driver is waiting for them. "If you are going to be so commanding, at least tell me about yourself." Alura says, as they get into the car.

"What's there to know? Mia Queen, mother to Thea Queen, heritress to Queen Industries, Green Arrow by night. Nothing you don't know already."

"What about Thea. You haven't said much about her. Where is she?"

"Back in Star City with Aunt Thea. I left her, thinking I would only be gone for about a day."

"Why don't you bring her here?"

"Because I don't think a hotel room is entirely the best place for a toddler."

"Why don't you say with Mama and I? We have an extra room, she can come with us to work so you aren't so bored."

"No, I couldn't. She tends to be pretty whiney at night, and you already work tremendously long hours. I can't have you up late at night. That just isn't fair." Mia says, as they pull up to the building, each getting out of the town car.

"Mia." Alura whines. "I don't care for a crying baby. A girl needs her daughter, trust me."

"You miss her, hu?"

"Of course I miss her. I mean, she has been here every day since I was born." The CEO looks down, and backs up. "Stop changing the subject." They walk into the apartment, seeing Lena at the stove, stirring a pot. "Mama, please tell Mia it is perfectly fine for her to stay here, and her bringing Thea is fine as well."

"Oh, that's a wonderful idea." Lena turns in excitement. "I have wanted to meet that little girl since she was born. And, a girl needs her mother."

"That's what I said!"

"And it would be nice for you to have something to do while you two are at L-Corp."

"That's what I said!"

"Are you sure? I don't want Mia or I to be an inconvenience of any sort..." Mia ignores Alura's 'haha' at saying the exact thing as her Mother.

"Mia." Lena puts her hands on the girl's shoulders. "You and Thea are never an inconvenience in this household. Do you understand that?" Mia just nods in response, and hugs the older woman. "So, tomorrow I will go in with Alura, and you will go back to Star City to get your daughter." She says, leaning back from the hug.

"I could just have my Aunt Thea bring her to L-Corp, so that you don't have to worry." Mia pulls out her phone to text her aunt. "She says she will bring Thea to L-Corp tomorrow, around twelve." She says after a moment.

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