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     And their lips meet, something almost magical comes between them. The kiss was soft and sweet, both partially cautious of the little girl who sits only feet away, knowing that if they go any deeper that it won't end well. Mia brings her hand to Alura's cheek, and deepens the kiss slightly, just enough to show the super what she wants.

There is a knock at the door, and Alura jumps up, takes a few steps back to distance herself. She strengthens her clothes -not that she really needed to- and starts to walk over to the door of her office. With one last fix of her hair, she swings open the door to see Jess standing there. "Jess, hi. How may I help you?" She asks, moving over to allow her Mama's assistant into her office.

"Ms.Danvers-Luthor." She walks in, giving the CEO an odd look, which goes unnoticed by her but not by Mia, who still sits on the couch. "I am here to talk to you about Mrs.Danvers." She says with a cocked eyebrow, looking over to Mia and back to her boss.

"She knows Jess, and you can say it infront of her." She says to the look, walking behind her desk and sitting on her chair, folding her hands together.

"Well, I just wanted to talk about her recent injuries." Jess says, walking in front of the desk with her L-Corp issued tablet in hand. "The public obviously took notice in Supergirl's absence, and a few in Mrs.Danvers', some of which have emailed myself and asked some questions regarding her absence and if there was any relation to Supergirl's."

"Who has emailed you?"

"Well." She starts swiping on her tablet. "We have a few reporters from CatCo, some coworkers of hers, and Lucas Carr. Clark Kent and Louis Lane called, and asked for you to call them back as well." She looks up.

"Okay, I will compose an email and have you send it to those who messaged you, and can you please send me the number Mr.Kent and Mrs.Lane called on as well please?" Alura asks, opening her laptop and putting on her glasses.

"Of course Ms.Danvers-Luthor." Jess answers, grabbing a sticky note, and writing the number down and handing it to the CEO. "Anything else?"

"That's it Jess, thank you." Alura smiles.

"Of course Ms.Dancers-Luthor." Jess replies. She looks between Mia and Alura once again, giving an odd look once again, which Alura notices, and walks out of the office, softly closing the door behind her.

Alura sighs, putting her head in her hand. "I think that we should get going." Mia clears her throat, standing and walking over to pick up her daughter. "You have to do some work, and it is this one's bedtime." She bounces the obviously tired girl on her hip.

"Yes, of course." The CEO stands, and walks around her desk. She gives an awkward smile, and goes into hug the other woman. "I'll um, see you when we get home?" She asks as they release from the hug unwillingly.

"Ya, for sure." The Arrow smiles, walking to the door and grabbing Thea's bag on the way.

Alura falls to her chair the moment that the door closes. A million thoughts are running through her mind. "What do I do?" She asks. She doesn't allow herself to hold onto it for much longer, and goes back to her task at hand, convincing a handful of people that Kara Danvers-Luthor is not Supergirl.


Alura walks into the house, setting her bag and coat onto the hanger, and looks up to see Mia standing in the kitchen. "Hey." She smiles, walking over and sitting on the kitchen counter. "Where is everyone?" She asks, looking around to see the apartment empty.

"Kara found this child center and wanted to bring Thea." Mia answers, getting two wine cups out of the shelf. "So her and Lena brought Thea to dinner and there." She pours some white wine into the cup.

Alura smiles, and takes a sip. "Oh that's so fun."

"Ya." Mia looks down at her own glass, swirling the liquid inside. "We should probably talk about it, shouldn't we?" She looks up at the blonde.

"Ya, we should." The other sighs. "Let's go to the couch?" She asks, standing when she gets a nod in reply, walking over to the leather couch. "You start."

Mia looks down, sighing, and looking back up into the green eyes. "I'm not really good with the whole feelings thing, so just bear with me please." She states, and gets a nod in response, signaling her to continue on. "I haven't grown up in the best household. My father died when I was little, Mom and I were in hiding for most of my life, and my family isn't really the best people ever. And when I met Percy, he was so nice to me, and when I got pregnant I almost expected him to leave, but he didn't. He took on extra shifts saying how he knew I had enough money to support us, but he wanted to help as well." She chuckles at the memory. "When he died, I promised myself I would find someone who is just amazing as him, that I wouldn't settle for me or Thea. And for the longest time, I thought I would never find someone even close to as good as Percy, and then I met you." Her eyes show a small shine. "And you invited Thea and I into your house, and you are so amazing to her, and me. And if you would like, I want to have a future with you." She smiles softly, and when Alura doesn't respond says; "Now you speak."

"Right, sorry." She smiles and shakes her head. "I have had a great family life, with Jeju and Mama, and all of my ridiculous family." She laughs. "But I've never really had friends. Everyone saw me as a Luthor, the niece to Lex and granddaughter to Lillian, despite that I have never met them. So everyone saw me as just that, always thinking that I'll stab them in the back, even some of the heroes here on Earth felt that way. But you..." She looks into her eyes. "You never even thought of me as my last name, never even considered that I would hurt you, or at least that I can tell. And everyone who knows that I am half Kryptonian treats me like it, they never try to protect me, and the only people that do are you and Jeju and Mama, but they are my mothers I don't really think that counts." She looks into Mia's eyes. "And I want a future with you as well. I promise to try my best to be like Percy, and take care of you and Thea."

"Are you ready for that?" She asks. "To take care of a kid? Because it is super hard. It means that I can't always be with just you, Thea will almost always be there, crying or things to do" She shakes her head. "I don't know if you really understand what that mea-"

"I am." She interrupts. "I mean, I don't fully understand. But I am ready. I love Thea, she is an amazing little girl, and I would be blessed by Rao if she were in my life." Alura smiles. "And I want to be with you, all of you. The mess, the crying, the things to do." She looks into her eyes. "I don't care if we are alone at all times, I care that I am with you."

Mia looks at her intently, looking for any sign of a lie, but doesn't receive one. Slowly, each of them lean in, and kiss. It was similar to the one that they shared before, both soft and sweet, yet equally as heated and wanting. Mia brings her hand up to Alura's cheek.

They pull apart, pressing their foreheads together, and Alura brings her hand up to Mia's, which still sits on her cheek. They just stare for a moment, each not wanting to break this wonderful dream.

The door opens, and Thea comes running in, her chubby arms wrapped around a large teddy bear, which drags on the ground as she runs to her mother. "Mama!" She yells as the older woman comes into her sight over the couch.

"Hey baby!" Mia says, pulling away and putting the little girl on her lap. "I missed you." She throws a look over the little girl's shoulder at Alura, saying I'm sorry without words, and gets a nod in response.

"I miss you too!" The little girl pulls back, and catches her mother's eye. "Ka'a and Wena bring me to din'r and to pway." She babbles about the day, and what she did with Kara and Lena.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2020 ⏰

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