Chapter Nine

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     As soon as the three heroes were ready, they made their way over to the warehouse across town. It was large, at least three stories and wide enough to fit two airplanes. "Remember, this alien is extremely dangerous. We need to be on high alert." Alex says through the coms. "J'onn, you fly up and see if there is any way inside up there. Dreamer, you go through the back, and Green Arrow though the front."

"Yes Director." The three respond, all going to their commander positions.

"I really don't like this." Alura mumbles, landing back at the base after flying around the area. "I tried using my X-ray vision and listening for Jeju's heartbeat, but it's lined with lead." She sighs, walking over to the screen with crossed arms.

"That's what I thought." Lena walks into the room. "I was looking through some L-Corp files. The warehouse used to be Luthor Corp's years ago. Lex sold it when he was caught, but we all know that doesn't mean it was really sold." She puts an old file on the table, Alex and Alura going to look.

"Do you think he has anything to do with it?" Alura looks up at her Mama.

"I wouldn't put it past him. But I don't understand the Alien part. If he is so against aliens, why would he work with one?"

"He might hate aliens, but he hates the Supers more. I'm sure he would talk some alien into helping him with a lie of some sorts, and backstab them when it's over." Alex says, she clicks her ear to turn the com on. "New information says that Lex Luthor might be behind this. Be careful. If it is, then the pace is full of traps." She reports.

"Okay, I'm in." Mia says. "You have Thea, right?" She asks.

"Ya, Alura is holding her now." Alex responds, turning to the two. "What do you see?"

"Nothing, it's too dark. I'll put on my night vision. But promise me if anything happens, Alura, you will watch Thea for me?"

"Nothing is going to happen to you." Alura days through her com. "But yes, I promise."

Satisfied with the answer, Mia puts on her night vision goggles, turning the dark barely visible. "Okay, I'm going around the corner." She says, turning.

"What do you see?" Alex asks. All of the agents are watching the screen, and listening to the broadcast.

"Oh my god." Is a whisper.

"What?" Alura replies. "Mia?" She hell's after there is no response.

"I'm reading her mind." J'onn says. "She can't talk, because she sees the alien. He is sleeping and Supergirl is sitting tied in a chair." Lena is heard gasping.

"Brainy, pull ups the video from Green Arrow." Alex commands, with a nod in response.the footage from Mia's camera is on the monitor within seconds, and what it shows is horrifying.

The alien is in the back corner, sleeping with its face looking in the direction of the middle of the room, where Kara sits. She is tied to a chair, blood covering her, so bad to the point yoy cant tell where the source is. She had green veins protruding from her neck, which is stretched out in expirations as her head lays back.

"Oh my Rao." Alura cries, covering her mouth. Lena Walsh to her daughter, and brings her into a hug.

"Let's move Thea-" Lena starts.

"No. I need to watch."

"Well, we can't have Thea seeing this."

"I'll take her." An agent says, taking the little girls hands. "I have a niece her age."

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