Chapter Twelve

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 Alura sits on the ground of the penthouse, playing with Thea. She holds a doll and is doing the same as the little girl. Mia sits on the couch, legs tucked under her, and a warm cup of her morning coffee in her hand. She could get used to this. Waking up on Sundays later than normal, to the sounds of Alura and their kid(s) playing on the ground.

"You are really good with kids." Mia comments, after realizing she has stared at the pair without saying anything for far too long. Alura looks up at her with a shy smile, and a soft blush seeping onto her cheeks, and looks back down. "Really. You are so good with her, and have from the start."

"It's not that hard really." The blonde replies, not looking up from where she plays dolls on the ground. "I mean, all you have to do is play with them and they are perfectly fine. I mean, as of not being a parent, I'm sure being a parent is extremely hard and-"

"I get what you mean." Mia cuts her off with a soft chuckle, and a right in response. "Have you ever thought of having any of your own? I'm sure the world could do good with more of you Danvers Kryptonians flying about."

"No, I uh never have." She looks down. "I mean, I want to, but I don't think it is entirely possible. After Jeju and Mama's problem after me."

"What do you mean?" The other asks, furrowing her eyebrows in confusion. Alura sighs, handing the doll to the little girl, and standing. She walks over to the couch, sitting with her back leaning against the arm rest, and crosses her legs in front of her, taking a pillow and putting it in her lap. Mia twists so she is fully facing the other girl, making sure to keep an eye on her daughter.


Kara and Lena walk into the DEO hand in hand, and a little girl propped up on Lena's hip. Alura is three, and constantly goes through changing what mother was her favorite, and currently favors Lena. They walk and head to where the eldest Danvers stands, her black suit and hands on her hips making her look powerful.

"Hey Al!" Kara says enthusiastically, letting go of her wife's hand, and walking up to her sister, pulling her into a hug. Once they let go, Lena goes in and does the same, happily taking the hug of her sister-in-law. The moment Alex looks at Alura, she loses all the look of power that she once held, and melts into a puddle of love.

"Hey Allie Bear." She coos, taking the girl in her arms, and kissing her cheeks. "How is my little girl?" She asks, taking the girl into her side. "Why are you two here? Not that I'm not happy about it." She asks, looking at her sister and sister-in-law.

"Ya um about that." Kara adjusts her glasses. "Can we um, talk in private?" She looks at her sister in her eyes, and gets a nod in response. Alex turns on her heel, walking down the hall, with Lena and Kara following once again, hand in hand.

"What's up?" Alex asks, closing the door, and turning to the two.

"So as you know, Alura is getting older. Soon she will be in kindergarten and -" Kara starts,

"Cut the crap and get to the point." The Director snaps.

"We want to have you test Kara to see if she can get pregnant." Lena cuts in, leaving Alex in awe. "We have talked about it, and we want Alura to have a sibling, and Kara wants to carry them. We just want to be sure it is safe beforehand." She continues.

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