11. Crime Scene 

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I lay there on my bed for what felt like hours, sobbing at everything that had happened. I was sore all over from all that Ryder had done to me.

I didn't know how else I was to deal with the situation that I had been put through. My whole body hurt but my vagina hurt the most. It was not ready for what had happened, I had never fingered myself therefore It was tightly closed with a tampon only ever going into it.

About 3 hours go by of me lying there in the void of thought and tears. About an hour Sartre Ryder left I could no longer cry, tears were no long coming out, but they needed to, I felt like I was drowning yet there was no water anywhere near me. I had lost my voice so speaking that night even hurt. I wasn't saying much though.

Thankfully once 3 or 4 hours had gone by Dylan came back to the dorm. I heard the door from the other side of the room open and Dylan come in silently.

"You awake?" Dylan whispered in case I wasn't.

I barely had any energy so I couldn't signify that I was. I was able to just lift my hand a bit, just enough for him to see. He came over and kissed my check, feeling my tears.

"Why are you crying?" He asked in worry.

He pulled back the sheets revealing my naked body with bruises and all. He couldn't see very well so he turned on the light. Then he really saw everything.

"Omg, Charlie what happened?" He asked Teary eyed grabbing my hand

I managed to get out a small inaudible sound that showed h8m my throat was extremely dry. He rushed to the kitchen to grab a cup of water and brought it back to me. Taking a few sips I was relieved and felt a lot better.

I managed to squick out a "long story, was raped"

His face went blank. He shed a tear or two once I had said this.

"Do you need anything?" He said with a shaky voice.

"Not tonight" I crooked out.

I managed to fall asleep now that Dylan had comforted me a little bit.
He fell asleep next to my bed.


When I woke up the morning after Dylan was still asleep on the floor. I reached for my clothes to cover myself up a little bit and tried to stand. I couldn't stand yet. I almost fell forwards but thankfully I fell backwards back onto my bed. This woke Dylan up with a jolt.

"What..oh Charlie, you ok?" Dylan says seeing me stunned from falling.

Still a bit croaky from my tears the previous night I took a sip of water. My arms were a little less in pain now, just enough for everyday use bit not anything extra.

"I need..to s.hower...the sh...eets need...washi...ng, I need a little..bit of foo..d" I say as clear as I'm able to.

"You can't stand so I'm going to need to help you with a shower but every else I'm doing ok?" Dylan says standing up.

He helps me up and get undressed for the shower. He washes every where on me except my boobs and vagina(he refuses to touch them after what I'd been through.)

He helped me dry off and get changed. He then set me down on his bed with a small bowl of cereal to help stop my hunger while washing my sheet. Once I'd finished he sat down next to me.

"What happened last night?" He asked with his own food now.

I had food so I was better now to tell him the full story.

"Someone knocked on the door, I opened it think it was you. They tied me to the bed and made me suck their dick and raped me. I tried to stop them but they were stronger and bigger then I was. I'm sorry. This isn't what I wanted you to come home to. I should have been stronger and stopped them. I didn't want to lose my virginity that way." I say tearful and shaking from having flashbacks.

Dylan took me into his arms and held me tight for a few seconds.

"It's ok, I'm here right now, who was the one who raped you?" Dylan says.

I hesitate. I start crying a bit more. I can't tell him the truth, it's is brother.

He wraps me in his arms again, this time for longer.

"Who raped you?" He asks with determination.

"They threatened to kill me if I told anyone, can we just forget about it." I ask through tears.

"Charlie, I'm not going to forget this, who are they. They won't kill you on my watch" Dylan say getting worried.

"Your brother" I reply.

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