14. Police report

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I opened my eyes to the sound of sizzling and frying coming from downstairs. I look over to the opposite side of the bed to see that Dylan wasn't there, I faintly heard his voice from downstairs so I got up and went to see what's happening.

Once I got the the end of the hallway I stoped just before turning the corner as I heard my name. I stood there quietly listened to what they were saying.

"I knew it was coming, I could have stopped it. I'm at fault for her getting raped." Dylan said sadly to his mum.

He knew something was going to happen?

"Hun you did nothing wrong, what Ryder did is no reflection on you" his mother said calmly.

"Ryder said to me on multiple occasions that I should stop dating Charlie and let them date instead. I told him again and again that she didn't like him so it wouldn't happen. Then he said and I quote then I'll have to prey her from you and make her my girlfriend. I should have seen the signs" he said putting his head down on the counter.

"Dylan, you did all that you could to protect her, you have pushed so much and you are continuing to push for her to recover. You clearly love her a lot, continue doing what your doing and eventually things will be ok"  she said in response.

I waited there for a few more minutes then walked out as if i hadn't heard anything.

"Hey glad your up, I made something yummy" Mrs. Hargreaves said holding out a plate.

As I sat down Dylan kissed me on the cheek making me blush.

We eat breakfast which was a yummy bacon and egg wrap then got ready. I put on the same clothes I wore yesterday as I hadn't packed spare clothes.
We then got into the car and headed down to the police station.

It was a small building with a few cars in the car park with the police colours. we headed inside and were greeted by a few offices clearly on break.

"Can we help you ma'am?" One of the offices asked.

"Hi I'm Jill Hargreaves, this is my son and his girlfriend, we came to report a rape case." Mrs Hargreaves said in response.

"Right this way" the officer said ushering us to a room out back. "Officer leemen will be with you soon."

Soon enough a nice lady officer came in with a notebook and pen.
"Hi, I'm officer leemen, what happened that you were raped? She said readying the pen to paper.

I explained to her everything that I remembered from the night, it was difficult though tears but i managed to get through the entire thing. Once I had told her everything she spoke with some other officer then came back to us.

"We are going to send officers to the school tomorrow, about midday to arrest him. We will then have a court hearing to see if he is gilty or not, if he is he should be put in jail for a long time." The lady said before letting us leave.

After saying goodbye to Dylan's mum and thanking her for her help Me and Dylan got in his car and headed back to the school.

Once we got there we went straight to our dorm as it was getting a little late and on school nights we had to be in our dorm rooms by 10. I had a nice shower and put on clean clothes after being in the same ones for 2 days.

I decided to sleep in Dylan's bed that night as I still didn't feel entirely safe by myself even though he was right across the room from me.
Soon enough my eyes slip shut and I drifted off. After not getting much sleep the night before I was pretty tired.

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