Chapter 20: Broken Promises

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16 Weeks Along

-Ava's POV-

I'm not sure how long I cried before I finally drifted off to sleep. For hours.. days...

I'd lost track as I sat on the floor, back against the side of the bed, knees bent with my arms wrapped around them.

I felt so hurt. So angry. So disappointed.

He lied to me again.


He doesn't trust me. After all this time, all the things we've been through, he still doesn't trust my love for him.

He was right about one thing. Had he told me I would of wanted to wait. What would be the point in having a wedding for a marriage that could only last three months? There isn't.

We could of just waited. Worked out the details together. But we don't work things out together. I'm never involved in what I should be. Harry works them out alone, usually horribly.

Again he lied. Again he kept secrets from me.


He doesn't trust me. He doesn't trust my love for him.

I don't know that he ever will. We've been through this series of events so many times now. With the same outcome. And still he does the same thing.

He lies... He keeps secrets from me.

A hand softly shaking my arm wakes me. I've feel as if I've barely been asleep. I made it into bed, I'm not sure when or even how. My whole body feels so weak I'm not sure I could even stand.


I blink a few times, trying to focus on Poppy sitting next to me on my bed.

"What time is it?" I groggily ask.

"Almost four a.m." She responds softly.

"Something wrong?"

She frowns, her eyes looking nothing but sympathetic. "It's almost four am... Love, Harry's still sitting outside on the front steps..."

I look away from her, clenching my jaw to keep myself from crying again.

"Ava... I know what he did was so wrong. So so wrong. But.."

"No." I shake my head.

"He hasn't moved an inch Ava. It's a bit cold out."



"I said no Poppy." I stare at the wall in front of me, avoiding her gaze.

"Ava I hate what he did. Hate it. He's a stupid brute, no question...."

"Then why are you on his side?"

"I'm not, at all." She shakes her head. "I'm always on your side. Which is why I think we should let him in."


"Not saying you should forgive him. But he has to fly back in just a few hours. Love, if you don't talk to him before then you'll regret it. At this point neither of you know what page the other is on. Find out before he leaves. Don't do it for him... Do it for you and the baby. He is the father after all."

"I can't." I shake my head, a few tears rolling down my cheeks. "I don't know if I can get past this Poppy."

"I know love..." She puts her arm around my shoulders, giving me a tight squeeze. "I'm not saying you should. But I know you Ava. You don't want to leave it like this. I know you don't."

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