Chapter 1: "What happened to us?"

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34 Weeks Along

-Ava's POV-

I awoke with a sharp pain, sitting straight up in bed with a small cry escaping my lips.

My hands instantly went to my stomach, running over the large bump stretching out my tank top. It hit me again. Another sharp pain. Another whimper leaving my lips as my whole body tensed.

The bedroom door swung open, casting a soft glow throughout the room.

"Ava what's wrong?!"

Feet padded quickly over to the bed. One hand was placed on my back in comfort as the other rested on my bump.

"I don't know." I shook my head, wincing as I felt another shooting pain run across my stomach. "Something's not right. I think... I think I need to go to the hospital."

A pair of worried eyes met mine as I was helped out of bed. I grasped the hand firmly for support as we made our way through the dark apartment.

Keys were fished out of a dish by the front door as coats were pulled on. I gasped, bending over and gripping the edge of the small table by the door as I felt another surge of pain.


"I'm alright." I took the hand offered to me, "Let's just hurry."

The familiar London streets whizzed by as the car sped down the road. The lights from numerous street lamps reflecting off the wet pavement. Tears slid down my face as I tried to focus on anything other than the stinging pain in my stomach.

"Do you think you're in labor?"

I look across the car towards the driver's seat. "No. I'm only at 34 weeks. That would be bad right?"

I bite my lip as my heart rate increases, feeling panic sweep over me.

"It will be fine love. Just try to stay calm alright?"

I nod even though there's nothing that would ease my nerves right now. I look back out the window, taking a few deep breaths.

"Do you want me to ring him?"

"No." I answer quickly.


"No Poppy. I said I would let him know when I went into labor. That's it."

"But he's in London."

I feel another tinge of hurt, only this one is emotional. He's in town and I didn't even know. Of course, why would I expect anything different?

"Doesn't matter." I say quietly.

"Av... please..."

"Don't call me that." I narrow my eyes, my vision being blurred by more tears as I stare out the window. "Don't ever call me that."

The smell of disinfectant hits me like a brick wall as we step through the doors. If I wasn't so worried right now I'd most surely be sick from it.

I'm guided towards the glass partition separating us from the E.R. check in desk. Of course there's no one sitting at it. There's not a person in sight.

Poppy doesn't hesitate. Her hand raising up and banging harshly on the glass, the noise echoing through the room.

Finally a women in blue scrubs appears around a corner, a scowl across her pale face. She huffs as she takes a seat, sliding the window open.

"Can I help you?" She raises an eyebrow at us.

"No, we just came to the bloody E.R. in the middle of the fucking night to have a proper cup of tea!" Poppy yells, throwing her arms up in the air. "Now open up the bloody doors! My friend is pregnant and in horrid pain!"

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