Chapter 68: Perfect

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-Harry's POV-

I blink a few times, the bright lights on the ceiling making me squint as I feel a dull pain in my bum.

"What the..?" I push the hair off my face as I realize I'm sat on the floor with a nurse knelt next to me.

"You hit the floor pretty hard, are you alright?"

"What? I..."

Harold Styles get your bony arse up off that floor!" Poppy yells, making me look up at the room full of people staring at me.

I scramble to my feet when I see Ava laid on a bed, trying to lean up and see if I'm alright.

"Lay back Ava, we need to keep pushing."

"But is he.."

"I'm good." I assure her, feeling my cheeks flush as I step up to the end of the bed.

"No you don't." Poppy shoves me towards Ava. "Don't need you passing out a second time."

I keep my mouth shut as I take Ava's hand, feeling like a right idiot for going out like a light once I saw the head start crowning.

"Alright, now just one more big push okay?" Doctor Bell urges Ava.

I wince as Ava's grip on my hand becomes impossibly tight, making me feel as if the bones will crush any moment.

"Alright, that was wonderful."

Ava sighs, resting back against the pillows and loosening the hold on my hand.

"You're doing so good baby." I push the hair off her damp forehead as she takes a few deep breaths.

"I cant.. can't push anymore." She shakes her head, tears threatening to break free as she looks at me.

"Just a few more is all. You can do it love."

"I can't." She closes her eyes, looking completely exhausted from pushing for the past hour.

"Alright Ava." Doctor Bell speaks up. "One more big push. Just give me one more."

"That's what you said last time." Ava breaths out. "I'm so tired, I.."

"Av." I say softly, causing her eyes to meet mine. "You can do it baby. Know you can. She's almost here."

Ava nods, "Alright. I can do it."

I smile pressing a kiss to the side of her head as her hand tightens around mine.

"Great. Push really hard this time Ava. As hard as you can." The Doctor instructs.

I place my hand on Av's back as she leans forward, putting every ounce of energy she has left into pushing.

I don't even realized it's happened till I hear the sound of a baby crying.

Our baby crying.

Ava sighs loudly in relief as she drops back onto the bed, trying to catch her breath. I kiss to her forehead as a smile overtakes her face.

"You did so good baby. You alright?"

She nods, "I'm alright."

"Mr. Styles, would you like to meet your new baby girl?"

My eyes shoot towards the end of the bed, seeing a wee bundle wrapped up in the doctors arms.

My feet don't move until Ava gives me a gentle shove, "Bring me our baby Harry."

I feel a knot in my throat as I step towards the doctor, seeing a tiny face in amongst the pink blanket.

She's placed in my arms and I'm in awe. So little and perfect. And ours.

I turn towards Ava, very carefully taking our daughter over to her.

"She's perfect Av." I lean down, letting Ava see our baby girl for the first time.

She reaches out, her slender fingers softly touching our baby's face.

"She is isn't she?" Ava smiles, looking happier then I've ever seen her. She's literally glowing.

"Time to meet your mum little one." I gently place her in Ava's eager arms, taking a seat on the bed next to her.

I remain silent, just staring at her as Ava pulls the blanket away from her tiny body, inspecting her for the right numbers of fingers and toes.

I hesitantly run my fingers down her little rounded belly before running my thumb across her cheek.

"She's beautiful yeah? Like more then normal newborns I think." I whisper, afraid to speak any louder.

"She is.. She's...." Ava pauses, wiping the tears away from her eye with her free hand.

"Love.." I put my arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer to me.

"She's just.." Her eyes finally tear away from our baby, looking into mine. "Thank you."

I shake my head. "Only half because of me remember? You've been the one cooking her for so long."

She chuckles, elbowing me lightly in the ribs.

"I love you Ava." I raise my voice just a little so I'm sure she's heard me. "Very much."

"I love you." She grins before leaning towards me and pressing a kiss to my lips. "Very much."

"And we love you as well.." I look down, feeling my heart swell as a tiny hand wraps around my finger. "This is.. Jesus, she's us Av. All our good bits, wrapped into one. How can I already love her so much?"

"Cause she's yours." Ava rests her head on my shoulder.

"What're we calling her?" I question, not being able to take my eyes off the tiny baby wrapped up in my wife's arms. "All the names I'd thought of don't seem good enough now."

"I kind of like Lennon."

"Lennon.. like the bar we met at?" I can't fight the grin spreading across my face at the memory.

Lennon's Bar was the closest one to Lou's flat. And that was one of many reasons I ended up meeting the love of my life that night.

"Yeah, if you don't like it.."

"I love it." I say honestly. "Couldn't be more perfect."

"Lennon is it then. And for her middle name I have no idea.."

"Avery." I cut her off, "It should be Avery."

"But that was.." Ava's voice fades off.

"Maddie's middle name." I nod, "You picked a good one. Don't think she'd mind sharing it with her little sister do you?"

Ava shakes her head, a tear running down her cheek that I catch with my thumb. "It's perfect."

"Lennon Avery Styles it is then."

"Lennon Avery Styles." Ava repeats, testing it out on her tongue. "Hello little Lennon."

"I think Lennon Avery Poppy Styles sounds even better."

We both glance up, seeing a smiling Poppy across the room. "Hate to ruin the moment but can barely contain myself over here. I need to see my godchild!"

We both chuckle as Poppy moves to the other side of the bed, finally getting a good view of Lennon.

"Ohhhh she's lovely. Well done you two. Knew you'd have a gorgeous baby, but really.. She's just perfect."

"Course she is." I smile. "Spitting image of her mum."

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