Chapter 70: The Truth

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8 Weeks Old

-Ava's POV-

"You look right fit, now stop fidgeting."

"I'm not. Are you sure I look alright?"

"For the fiftieth time yes. Now sit."

I sigh, dropping myself down onto the couch as Poppy watches me with an amused smile. "It's only been a week. You'd think you haven't seen the lad in ages with the way you're carrying on."

"It was only supposed to be three days and I'm not carrying on, I am just..."

"Massively excited to see your sex God of a husband?"


"Don't blame you. Let's not forget I've caught a of glimpse of his tight little arse that day I walked in on you two.."


"There's locks on the loo door for a reason love." She raises her eyebrows at me playfully. "Not that I'm complaining mind you. Lucky bird is what you are, getting to give that bum a proper pinch now and then."

"You're impossible." I shake my head at my best friends teasing.

"Impossible not to love." She snatches Lennon up in her arms, pressing a kiss to her little cheek. "Same a you pigeon. Utterly impossible not to love."

I grin as she dances around the room with her, swaying her from side to side, trying to coach a smile out of her.

I knew it was useless, but I let her go on, giving it her best go. After a few minutes of funny faces, she gives up with a huff.

"Definitely your daughter. Gorgeous but stubborn as hell."

I can't help but roll my eyes as I scold her. "No cursing in front of the baby."

"Please, he's not here."

"Doesn't matter." I shrug, "He doesn't like it, so no cursing."

"He also doesn't fancy you eating sweets while you're still breast feeding." Poppy flicks her head towards the candy bar wrapper laid on a table next to me.

"Yeah well, he can't have his way in everything now can he?" I grab the wrapper as I pull myself up off the couch, throwing it in the closest trash can.

"God no. We give lads everything they want, we'd all be on our kn.." She stops mid-sentence as Lennon coos at her, Poppy's face quickly turning from a wicked smirk into a thoughtful frown. "Alright alright I won't finish that. Really is yours isn't she? Auntie Poppy will learn to watch her smart mouth."

"Wow, did I really just hear that?" I laugh as Poppy scowls at me. "Poppy Clarke, promising not to.."

"Oh stop." She waves me off as she sits down on the floor with Lennon.

A loud ding from my phone causes me to practically fall over my own feet as I hurry to grab it off the kitchen counter, a wide smile overtaking my face as I unlock it and open the message.

~Just landed. See you soon but not soon enough. Love you baby. xo

I start to dial his number, wondering why he didn't just call me, but another message immediately pops up.

~Radio on? Interesting chap about to be on Radio 1.

My eyebrows furrow as Poppy steps up beside, my eyes glancing at the clock on the wall.

"His flight get in?"

"Hmmm? Yeah." I nod, looking around me for any sign of a radio in the small kitchen, "He's going to be on radio one."

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