Chapter 23: Boy or Girl?

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17 Weeks Along

-Ava's POV-

"It's bloody awful they make you wait this long. Don't they understand you're pregnant?"

"I would think so being we're here to see my OBGYN."

Poppy rolls her eyes at me, "Not even any proper magazines to read while we wait. Wretched service."

"What about that one?" I point to a random magazine laying on a small table next to the examination bed, hoping something will distract her enough to stop whining for five minutes.

Poppy picks it up, her eyes widening in disgust. "What the shite is that?"

"Hmmmm?" I pull my phone out of my bag, deciding I might as well respond to a few emails while we wait.

"That!" Poppy holds the magazine up, showing me the page she's looking at. "Do your nipples really do that when you breast feed?!"

I laugh as she drops it back down onto the table, her face scrunched up in horror.

"Might do you some good to read that." I point out.

"I already believe condom's are a girl's best friend, don't need graphic pictures to convince me. I do hope Harry's hot little piece of British arse is worth all that. Looks horridly painful."

I dramatically sigh as Poppy raises her eyebrows at me.

"Am I still not allowed to mention the lad?" She questions.

"I never said you couldn't."

"No, you've just changed the conversation whenever I did." She points out, "Have you rang him yet?"


"And he still hasn't rang you?"

I shake my head, looking away from her, "Why would he? I told him I would call him."

"Why would he?" Poppy chuckles, "Cause he's never been a bit of obsessive when it comes to you..."

"He's not obsessive."

"And I don't enjoy a good bonk now and then either."


"He's called me every day."

"What?" My head snaps in her direction.

"Just checking up. He's a proper mess that one." Poppy looks me over, trying to gauge my reaction.

"What does he want?"

"In one word... you." She shrugs, "But of course he's Harry so he uses many more then needed. And slowly. Takes the bloke forever to get his words out. If I could pop him through the phone he'd be black and blue, drives me mad. Thankfully his looks make up for the lot of it, but when you're on the phone you can't see him so..."

Her rambling is cut off as the door opens, the doctor stepping inside with a bright smile on her face.

"Nice to see you again Ava. How are we feeling today?" She asks as she looks over my chart.

"Good. Everything's going pretty smoothly I think." I give her a smile as she takes a seat on a small black stool.

"Great. Well we're just going to do a quick ultrasound today. We just want to take a look at the little one, makes sure everything's progressing as it should be. Do you have any questions?"

I shake my head as Poppy speaks up, "Yes, where can you get proper maternity fashion in L.A.? We've been to several places and they're absolutely dreadful. Why designers seem to think pregnant women only want to wear mum jeans is beyond me."

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