Chapter 40: An Accident

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22 Weeks Along

-Finn's POV-

He's gonna kill me.

I glance as my watch, trying to do the math in my head. 10 p.m. here in London would be... 6 p.m. in New York.

My knees bob up and down nervously as I stare at the double doors. Should I just call him? No, I should wait and just let Ava call him. That would be better. Yeah, then he'd see she's fine. Absolutely fine.

That is expect for the two stitches on her forehead, running along her hairline. And the bruise on her cheek...

He's gonna bloody well kill me.

I stand up, pacing back and forth anxiously. This is all my fault.

I shouldn't of told Arthur he didn't need to drive us. I shouldn't of insisted on it when Ava said it wasn't a good idea.

But I did. And now here I am, pacing the waiting room while Gemma's with Ava, who's getting her forehead sewn back together.

I'd already given my statement to the police officers. It wasn't much, but it was all that they needed.

We were being followed by two cars. I tried to lose them, but couldn't. Paps trying to get pictures. One of them not only ran a red light, but also ran straight into the back of my car.

Thankfully no one else was injured. But they were arrested, and most likely losing their job.

I force myself to sit back down as several people in the waiting room give me dirty looks.

I nearly drop my phone on the floor when it rings, a quiet curse leaving my lips when I see who's calling me.

He's gonna kill me.

I clear my throat as I put the phone up to my ear, already knowing this isn't going to go well.

"Hey mate." I answer.

"Finn." Harry's voice sounds through the speaker, sounding far to calm. "Got a question for you."

"Look Harry..."

"Tell me.." He cuts me off. "Why did I just see on Access Hollywood that my pregnant wife was in a car accident? A car that you were driving?"

"She's fine."

"Is she? Cause they said she was admitted to the hospital."

"She cut her forehead a bit is all. She's good."

"Let me talk to her. Now." He raises his voice slightly.

"I'm not with her, Gem is. You could try calling..."

"Already did. That's why I called you. What the fuck happened Finn?"

"Was paps, one of them rear-ended us."

"Where was Arthur?"

"I gave him the night off."

I hear a deep sigh come from the other end of line. "Trying real hard to keep my cool here mate. He isn't just a bloody chauffeur, he's trained to deal with that sort of situation."

"I'm sorry Harry. I feel wretched. Don't know what else to say."

"Just... Jesus Finn. What the fuck? She hurt her forehead? That it?"

"Yeah, just getting a couple stitches."

"Just stitches." He repeats my words, the condensing tone of his voice coming through loud and clear.

"And her left cheek has a bit of a bruise."

"The baby.. She alright?"

"Of course. We were going fairly slow at the time. Ava was leaned forward in her seat. If she hadn't been she wouldn't of smacked her head at all."

"Why didn't you call me? I found out... Fuck... Why the fuck did I have to find this out from the bloody telly?!"

"I'm sorry mate." I sigh, rubbing my face. "Bad call on my part. Figured Ava would be out right quick and she could call you. Didn't think it would be on the news within half an hour."

"You were in an accident with reporters and you didn't think they'd report it?!" He scoffs.

"Like I said, bad call. It's not that big of a deal Harry. Really isn't."

"Not that big..." He scoffs, sounding angrier by the second. "Finn, don't know how to explain this to you... I cant.. She just got hurt cause of fucking paps, who were following her cause of me. She got hurt Finn. Hurt."

"She's fine Harry. She'll tell you so herself."

"Course she will. She's always fine. Even when she isn't."

"Look.." I take a breath. "I know it seems likes she's dealing with a lot of shite right now, but she's a tough one. Everything seems worse from halfway across the world. But I've been here, she's doing fine Harry."

"Yeah?..." I hear the worry and sadness in his voice.

"Yes. She's smart, she knows how to handle this."

"She shouldn't have to handle anything."

"You're blowing this all a bit up in your mind I think. It's not so bad. Not all fun and games, but not horrid either."

"Hate this. And finding out something like this..."

"My fault, I should of just rang you."

"Yeah, you should have. You'd let me know if things are bad wouldn't you? Av.. she isn't that honest with me about it all. Is worried about me I reckon. But you'd tell me yeah? If things got really bad?"

"I would. You have my word." I nod as the doors open, revealing Gemma and Ava. "They just came out. You want to talk to her?"

"Seriously asking me that?" He chuckles.


I say my goodbye before handing the phone over to Ava.

Her voice is soft as she explains everything to him all over again, assuring him she's fine. Laughing about how ridiculous it is she even had to get stitches.

I throw my arm over Gemma's shoulders as we wait for Arthur to pick us up.

"This isn't your fault, you know." Gemma speaks up.

"Yeah." I nod with a frown.

"I'm serious." She pokes my side to get my attention. "It just happened is all. That's why they call it an accident."

"Is it?" I can't help but smile as she looks up at me.

"Yes, and I'm always right you know."

"I do."

"Good." She winks at me with a dimpled smile.

I lean down, pressing a quick kiss to her lips. "I've missed you."

"You just saw me last week silly." She shakes her head at me with a grin, pulling out her phone to call her mum.

I look over her shoulder to see Ava smiling at us.

'Sorry.' I mouth to her.

She rolls her eyes at before glancing to Gemma then back at me with a smile on her face.

I told Harry she's fine. The smile on her face says so.

But her eyes don't.

Her eyes are tired and a bit scared.

Everything really is starting to wear on her, though she'd never admit it.

Double update! Please click on that little star and vote! ⭐️

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