Chapter 10: Speeches and Surprises

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13 Weeks Along

-Harry's POV-

The sound of glass clinking fills the air around us. Poppy had just finished her maid of honor toast. Ava had blushed profusely at her not so subtle hints of what we would be filling our time doing on our honeymoon. I of course could only smirk as Av's cheeks reddened more and more as Poppy went on.

By the end of it, most of the girl's were teary eyed. It had went from borderline inappropriate to the most heartfelt words I've ever heard Poppy speak. A tight hug was shared between Poppy and my wife.

My wife...

I probably would of never even met Ava if it wasn't for Poppy. The thought alone scares me. I know I would of went on with my life, same as always... But there would of been something missing. Someone missing.

Silly, but I think I would of known. I think I would have found her. Somehow.

Poppy isn't the only one who I have to thank for Ava coming into my life. Lou chose the bar we met at that night. I could even go so far as thanking the particularly cruel tweets I read that day. Without them, I wouldn't of needed cheering up. Without them.. the trip to that bar would of never been made.

It's mad to think had one small thing been different.. gone differently, I wouldn't be where I'm sat right now. Next to Av at our wedding dinner.

Her hand rests on my thigh as she takes her seat next to me. Mine instantly grabs it, holding it while I press a kiss to her temple.

I look her over and my heart races. I've never seen her look so beautiful.

The smile playing on her lips is catching... I can't help but be enamored by it.

It seems the whole night has a soft glow to it. Everything just a bit frozen in place.. tucked away just for us.

Our dinner had been served and eaten. Our cake cut up and passed out among our friends. But only after Ava shoved a fair bit of it in my face.

The wine had everyone completely at ease. There was no one to interrupt us. No need to glance over our shoulder and check to make sure the moment would stay just ours.

When Louie deemed everyone inebriated to the appropriate degree, he stood up. Ready to make his toast.

El was already warning him to be good.

He looked properly offended before raising his glass and lightly tapping his butter knife against it. He gained everyone's attention. Everyone except for Freya and Lou, who were laughing away about old UNI stories.

"Ms. Davies! Mrs. Teasdale!" Louie yelled at them lightheartedly, earning a white linen napkin being chucked at his face by Lou. She missed, Louie lost his train of thought while gloating.

"Speech Tommo!" Liam called out, getting Louie back on track as he casually placed his arm around his date.

I was surprised when he asked if he could bring one. I was even more surprised when he said it was Sophia. Anyone else and I would of been afraid of sneaked pictures. Maybe even a video sold to the highest bidder. But Sophia would never dream of doing such a thing... Sophia was one of us.

And by the way she looked at Liam, there was still love there. A fair bit of it.

"Alright! Alright!" Louie shushes us, "I remember the first day Ava got on the tour bus with us. We laughed, joked... It was an all around swell time. Until I started telling a story..." Louie raises an eyebrow at me, a smirk on his face as I shake my head at him. "It was one of many many many embarrassing ones I have stored away of dear Haz. But I didn't get to tell it that day.. Three words in and I was drug to the front of the bus. My collar gripped firmly in Harry's hand. I thought the scolding was going to be quick.. A simple 'don't embarrass the shite out of me in front of the woman of my dreams'. But no... there was nothing simple about Harry's hour long list of what stories I could and couldn't tell. He made me promise him to do as he asked, and being his best mate I naturally kept that promise. But you see... today.. today that promise has ended. Because dearest Harry made one small mistake. He made me promise to keep all the little jems to myself unless.. and I quote..."

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