Chapter 71: Moments

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8 Weeks Old

-Harry's POV-

There are moments in my life that I know I'll never forget.

Playing that first show with the lads. Meeting a fan who's life we've changed. Hearing a crowd of 85,000 sing a song I wrote.

Amazing things I'm so grateful for. Things I never could of imagined would happen to me. Things that made me stop and think.. it's never going to get better then this.

I was so wrong.

I knew it the moment I realized I was in love. Truly in love, for the first time in my life.

It was a Tuesday. We were all on the bus, driving overnight to make it to the next venue. Ni had just beaten Liam and I at FIFA, and Louie and Zayn were both snoring away in their bunks. I'd found Ava in the back of the bus, staring out the window with a pencil between her teeth and her journal on her lap.

The smile she gave me when I entered the room had the same impact it'd had since the night we'd met. My heart was unsteady and racing by the time I took a seat across from her.

When her gaze locked with mine briefly before looking back out the window, I knew something wasn't right.

I started to open my mouth, worried by the sadness I saw in her eyes, but her soft voice broke the silence before I was able to.

"Je dis à mes secrets les étoiles , car je sais qu'ils vont les garder."

"You know French." I state, surprised at what I just heard.

She nods, her eyes still trained out the window. Watching the darkness intently as we pass it by.

"What's it mean?"

"I tell my secrets to the stars, for I know they will keep them." She pauses, "Just something my grandmother used to say when I was little. Thought it was so silly then..."

Her voice fades off as she shakes her head lightly, not willing to put more of her thoughts into words.

She's already said more then she normally would. Shared with me a tiny piece of herself. Mentioned her family, at least one member of it, for the first time.

"I would keep your secrets." I say quietly, gauging her reaction. "You could trust me with them."

She closes her eyes briefly, taking a breath before angling her body away from mine. It's only seconds before I notice her shoulders slightly shuddering.

I don't hesitate in getting up and taking a seat right next to her. In wrapping my arm around her and pulling her into my chest.

I'm surprised once again when she doesn't fight me.

She lets me comfort her. She cries into my shoulder. She clutches on to the front of my shirt.

And it hits me like a bullet.

On a Tuesday... in the back of a bus, holding Ava for the first time... It hits me.

I'm completely in love with her.

The sound of clapping pulls me out of my daze, my eyes once again focusing across the room. I quickly stand up, joining in as Ava steps off the stage and makes her way towards our table.

I pull out a chair for her as she nears me, pressing a quick kiss to her cheek before she sits down.

"You did lovely." I assure her in a low voice, knowing exactly what she's thinking.

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