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Dear diary,

I know it's been quite a while. It's not that I'm doing terribly, I really just had nothing to write about. Nothing popped up on my brain that I thought "I have to write this down immediately!"

Nothing of the sort. It's been really a quite boring almost 2 months.

As you can see (well who's really seeing this besides myself), I'm writing 2 days after Christmas. I'd just like to talk about what I got!

Of course I got a few gifts from my parents and the rest of my family, but I'd just like to talk about a certain book that I received: 'Little Women' by Louisa May Alcott.

I know! Isn't that amazing?

So I guess one of my favorite books is 'Pride and Prejudice' by Jane Austen. Not I guess, silly me, it IS my favorite novel. I have reread it over 20 times! I can't really be sick of it honestly. So many emotions flow through my veins every time I read it. It never fails to take me on a journey. I usually carry the book in my backpack to read it in my free time.

I told my English and Writing teachers how much I loved this book and they gave me a few recommendations. Surprisingly both of them thought I would like the book 'Little Women.' You already know me well enough that I will read almost any book, no matter the thickness, genre, or storyline. Every book deserves a try, right?

I've been bugging my parents to buy me this novel for months. Probably since the school year started in August. I nagged at them once a week at least to even consider buying me this book. We're not the richest family by any means, but I wasn't asking for anything heavily pricey. Book stores here in Seoul don't like to make books expensive.

I'm glad my parents remembered all the begging a I did to get this book. They got it for me for Christmas! I did just say that though hehe.

I haven't started the book yet, but I plan to tonight. Maybe after I finish the book, I can write my thoughts in here!

Minho started to feel his heart race. His eyes were widened as his thoughts were running miles per second. This is my chance to find out who they really are!

Knowing his next class was writing (and only one of three writing classes), Minho whipped out his phone and opened his notes app to write down his next plan. Minho smiled to himself. He couldn't help but tell himself how good he was at noticing the smaller things.

So this person carries around Pride and Prejudice in their backpack to read it in their free time. All I have to do is search everyone's backpack. That's simple, right?

The bell rings and Minho cursed under his breath. With a slight pout on his face, he shoves his belongings in his backpack, zips it up, and slings it over his shoulder to walk to his writing class.

Minho was lost in his thoughts as he made his way to class like muscle memory. All he needed to do was search everyone's backpacks, but he can't go around his class and just ask out of the blue 'Hey can I search your bag?' That's definitely rude.

I need to find a way to do this in secrecy.

Minho made his way to Ms. Young's writing class and he slumped in his desk. He crossed his arms and continued to scavenge around in his mind for ideas. Nothing could've snapped him out of his trance other than Han Jisung himself. Minho didn't think of why he could be the one to get his attention, but he did somehow.

dear diary, // minsungWhere stories live. Discover now