50k special,

4.6K 217 477

Before we get into the special,

Firstly, I'm sorry this is a little (VERY) late. I changed the idea for this chapter last minute, then the reads spiked and I couldn't finish it in time 😭 but anyways,

Thank you SO SO MUCH for 50k reads (more like 57k) on this book. This book became a lot of firsts for me, such as my first book to hit #1 in the minsung tag and stay trending in the minsung tag for a while. This book brought my account a lot of recognition and I can't thank you guys enough for it.
A/N: this book also just hit #1 in 14 tags within the past few days. It really feels surreal and an infinite amount of 'thank you's' cannot express how grateful I truly feel.

Also this is my third special for a certain amount of reads and wow, honestly I never thought I would be here writing special chapters for milestones like this (it's a milestone for me, even though it may not seem like much compared to others).

I remember finishing this book a few months back and it only having about 10k reads, and now it sits here at 50k+ because of you guys. It's honestly crazy to think about.

And I love giving you guys little presents for getting me here <3

Side note: I wrote a section in here that's going to be a teaser for my next book (plot wise) if you wanna come back to this paragraph to guess what it is ;) let's see if you guys will guess correctly!

So without further ado, here is the 50k special for dear diary <3



Dear diary,

It's really nice to have you back! The document really wasn't doing it for me. The feeling of writing is way more satisfying, I think.

I hope you don't feel betrayed I used an online document to draft out my feelings! I couldn't help you went missing and landed into the hands of Lee Minho.

Oh right. That's why I'm writing in here.

You know in my last entry, I wrote about my feelings for Minho, and I really gushed about him. Every little detail I thought about him that I really liked, I just spilled it all out on these papers. It worked out in my favor, in a really odd way.

Minho read you. Do you feel violated? I did at first. I still kind of do, but he's forgiven. You can decide to forgive him without my decision affecting yours.

If he didn't read you though, I wouldn't be dating him right now.

I swear, I'm kicking my feet and squealing when I write this.

Oh gosh, he was so sweet. He wrote an entry in you (which I'm sure you know by now because blue pen should seem extremely unfamiliar to you) just confessing his feelings, and why he did what he did in such a brief manner. It's like he lured me in just to push me back from no further details or any justifiable explanation for his actions. I couldn't wrap my head around any of it, because none of it made sense, plus he had just admitted he had feelings for me and brushed over the fact completely!

dear diary, // minsungWhere stories live. Discover now