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"Okay class," Ms. Young yelled into the classroom. "Please settle down."

Although she was a kind teacher, Minho still hated her class. Writing was dreadful. The only perk was being able to stare at Jisung the whole time, an activity Minho was partaking in at the moment.

The students fell quiet to give their teacher their full attention. She slid on her glasses and flipped her long black hair to the back and out of her vision. Ms. Young leaned back against her desk and folded her arms across her chest.

"Would you say that you know someone very well in here?"

Silence was stilled in the air as the students looked around at each other and shook their heads. They were all aware of each other, but they couldn't tell you a couple of things about the person residing next to them.

Ms. Young let out a hum. "I didn't think so. I've observed how you all only give each other small talk like 'Hello', 'How are you' and so forth."

She pushed her weight off the desk and began to walk around. "I'm assigning you an easier assignment, a project if you will. I'm partnering you all up in pairs."

A couple of groans were voiced in the classroom and Ms. Young quickly interjected. "Zip it, the assignment is easy!

"All you have to do is get to know your partner. Their personalities, habits, interests and dislikes, you name it. Once you feel comfortable enough to know them, you can write an essay or poem about them, whatever suits your fancy. You'll be presenting these essays or poems to the class, and your partner will help me grade on how accurate your work is. I'll just be looking at the writing itself. Any questions?"

The class shook their heads. Ms. Young smiled. "Good. You'll be able to choose your partners. Just raise your hand and tell me who you want, but let me get my paper first." Her voice quiet down as she neared the end of her sentence, and Ms. Young started to search on her desk.

Minho smirked to himself and shot a quick glance at the younger boy across the room, his pencil attached to his hand and jotting away notes on the blue-lined sheet.

This is my chance, and I'm not going to let go of it.

Minho desperately wanted to be with Jisung, and he didn't want to stay away from the younger. He's grown such a strong liking to Jisung, and as much as Minho wants to call it something only fond and admirable, his true feelings were still managing to erupt within his heart and corrupt his mind with his true thoughts.

Minho felt he would have no excuse to talk to Jisung without the situation of his diary, and he finally wanted another reason to talk to the younger. He felt Jisung was so much more capable of doing other things with his time rather than talking to Minho of all people.

Minho was drawn out of his thoughts as Ms. Young faces her students and she clicks a black pen to write down names. "Okay it'll be first come first serve. If you pick someone, the person you pick has to consent first to working with you. Now you can raise your hands."

Immediately, Minho shot his hand up and a smug smile danced across his face. He already had his hand lifted for a good minute so he can get a head start over everyone else.

"Lee Minho, you seem very excited, who do you want?"

Minho put his hand back down as the class carefully listened. He looked to his surroundings briefly, and noticed Jisung listening from afar. His lips once again curled into a smile as he answered his teacher.

"Han Jisung, please."

Silence engulfed the room to where you could hear a pin drop. If they listened close enough, the students could probably hear Jisung's heart hammering through his chest and his mind sprinting in circles. The students turned to face Jisung since he stayed silent. The boy was only trying to comprehend that his name just slipped out of Minho's mouth.

Jisung kept trying to open his mouth but all that came out was stammering. He couldn't find the words to even start talking.

"Well, Han Jisung? Do you want to work with Minho?"

Jisung just screwed his eyes and mouth shut, and nodded tentatively. Jisung wanted to crawl into his shell until the light was entirely dimmed from his eyes. If he wasn't burying his head in between his arms, Jisung would've seen the smirk plastered on his teacher's face.

"Interesting pair. Han Jisung and Lee Minho are now partners. Anyone else?"

Everyone continued to pick their partners, but Jisung was stuck in his own mind over what had happened minutes prior. He didn't really think Minho would care about him enough to ever work with him or speak to him. What exactly was so special about Han Jisung that God blessed him with the chance to be friends with Minho in this lifetime?

Jisung scratched his head, the question prodding his mind. He was entirely grateful, but he didn't know the answer as to why Minho bothered to put time and effort into talking to him.

Maybe he just chose to work with me cause I'm the only one he knows?

Yeah that must be it.

"Okay, I don't think there are any more people to be paired up. Please go to your partner and discuss how you will get to know each other in and out of the class. I hope you will be taking notes on this." Ms. Young clicked her pen back into its protective socket and went behind her desk to sit down. Jisung couldn't find it in him to even move his feet. Luckily enough for him, Minho was already making his way over to the boy.

"Hello Jisungie!" Minho called exotically. Jisung's eyes were glued to any other place except for the older next to him.

"H-Hi Minho." Jisung responded timidly.

"Is anything wrong?" Minho slumped himself next to Jisung and folded his arms on the desk. He intended to give Jisung all his attention for the rest of the class period.

"I just..." Jisung sighed. "I don't know why you'd choose me, that's all." Jisung's voice fell short as the words were a little difficult to spew out.

"I told you I was just scared to bother you and you said you liked being around me right? Well, I'd like to bother you if you don't mind." Minho nudged his elbow against Jisung's arm. The younger giggled as he slid his glasses further onto the bridge of his nose.

"No, I don't mind."

"Hey, um," Minho cleared his throat as he rubbed the nape of his neck. "Can I have your number? Or Instagram? Just so I have a way of contacting you."

Oh my god, I can finally find the courage to talk to him outside of school!

"Yeah! Let me just get a pen and paper to write my number." Jisung fumbled around in his binder and pulled out a small slip of paper. He wrote down a series of numbers and handed it to Minho. The two boys deep down were congratulating themselves for reaching such an achievement in their relationship.

"This is where you can find me."


I'm so sorry for the short chapter idk why writing has been a little difficult for me to do

I know I probably update so often to you guys but the minute I don't update my books within a week I feel like I'm too slow and lacking 😭 forgive me besties

I'm moving into my college dorm Friday :,) wish me luck plssss

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