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At the moment, Minho couldn't help but feel stalker-like.

He peered his head through the library door during his lunch hour, watching Han Jisung eat his pasta with no care in the world as he stuffed his cheeks. Minho was trying to muster up any courage he had left in his heart to go up to the younger and talk to him.

Minho didn't know what he felt when he was in Jisung's presence. He almost felt like he could have everything planned and figured out down to the detail, but the minute Jisung stepped towards him, his mind drew too many blanks. Minho wished he could be calm and collected in front of Jisung, but he was merely a baby figuring out how to take one step forward.

Jisung looked in Minho's direction and he contracted his head from the doorway, like a turtle hiding in his shell. Minho placed a hand on his burning cheek, and lightly smacked himself. "Get it together Minho, you're not a child." He muttered over and over, convincing himself he can do this.

Minho sucked in a deep breath before exhaling and nodding his head. Every step forward he took, he congratulated himself on even making it that far. He just needed to know what he felt for Jisung, and when to give back his diary or how to give back his diary.

Would he even have an excuse to talk to Jisung without the diary's involvement?

Jisung had his nose stuck in a book as he shoved more pasta into his mouth, chewing happily at the taste. He had no idea that Minho was in front of him or heard any signs of his footsteps.

"Hi Jisung." Minho croaked out, covering his anxious demeanor with a smile. How am I so nervous in front of him?

Jisung shot his head up with his mouth still full of noodles and he froze in his spot. Why would Minho wanna talk to me? He quickly swallowed and almost choked on his food, and placed his hand over his heart feeling a slight ache. "Minho hyung! It's nice to see you." Jisung managed to speak, although his windpipes were struggling a little bit from Jisung inhaling his food.

"C-Can I sit here?"

"Oh yeah, um, of course."

Minho sighed in relief and pulled the chair out to sit down. He folded his arms across the table and scratched his head. His cheeks were puffed out as he tried to draw a conclusion to what he'd say first.

"So, um, how are you?"

"You really came to ask me how I was?" Jisung was in a slight disbelief.

Minho locked eyes with Jisung before quickly directing them away. The fear settled in their eyes were slowly getting loose, and it could break out at any minute. They both tried to keep themselves tamed, but their hearts were worked up over small talk.

"Yeah, is that a bad thing?" Minho asked, a concerned expression spreading through his features. He was terrified Jisung would reject him on the spot, his last diary entry nowhere in the depths of his mind at that moment.

"No no no, definitely not," Jisung quickly stated, waving his hands around, trying to make it clear there was a misunderstanding. "I just, um," Jisung stammered. How did he tell Minho what he was truly thinking? He wasn't offended in any way, if anything, he was entirely flattered. "I'm always the one to talk to you first, but I didn't know you actually cared." His voice trailed off.

Minho's heart began to ache at the boy's words. He never realized that Jisung was always the one to come up to him and strike a conversation. Minho loved the slight confidence the boy carried but his timid aura was always something that Minho adored. He then remembered the insecurities that burden Jisung deep down and suddenly, his mind once again was wiped clean of ideas to respond.

dear diary, // minsungNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ