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Dear diary,

This is actually pretty weird to talk about, but I want to talk about my body wash! Someone complimented how I smelled today and I felt the need to tell them every minor detail about it, but I decided against it. So here I am, writing to you about it!

I am a Bath and Body Works devotee. I go check out the new scents once a month. I save up quite a bit of money just to spend it all on their sales. Trust me when I say I get at least 7 hand sanitizers, 3 hand soaps, about 4 bottles of lotion, and of course, at least 5 candles. I calculate my money to know what I'm able to buy, you know? A better bang for my buck, if you will.

But I adore body wash! It's what I use most, and it gives me a nice scent. My favorite scent has to be the watermelon lemonade. So when someone complimented me on how I smell like watermelons and lemon, I almost yipped in excitement. My two favorite scents mixed into one, and that's what I smell like!

Sadly, the watermelon lemonade body wash is saved for summer months. I wish I could buy it year round. I know I told you I save money for sales, but I also save money to buy about 6 bottles of watermelon lemonade body wash. I buy it all at one point for the entire year and then buy another 6 for the next year. It's a pretty good plan if you ask me.

I absolutely refuse to use any other scents. Well, body soap wise. Why bother using anything else when you have your favorites in front of you?


Minho knew it was simply a strange idea, but it was quite an affective one. Sure, people might think he's gone mad by sniffing people, but what other choice does he have?

As everyone walked down the hallway for lunch, Minho walked closely behind. He made his way into the crowd of people, waiting for the right moment. To smell people.

Minho stuffed his hands in his pockets and took a deep breath before delving into the heaps of people. This plan was extremely weird and off putting. Anyone could see him just sniffing around. Did Minho really care though? Not necessarily.

Minho looked up in front of him to see a taller guy with dirty blonde hair facing his back to him. This is my chance.

He leaned forward and took a big whiff of the boy's scent. Minho scrunched his nose afterwards. The taller boy was dowsed in cologne. He let out a small cough, wishing the scent could disappear from his mind. Whoever it was in front of him definitely was not watermelon or lemon scented.

Minho regained focus and scanned his surroundings to guess who could possibly like fruity scented body wash.

Minho let out a small 'ah' and lead himself to a girl with short black and blonde hair. He scooted himself slowly through the crowd to be by her side. He eventually made his way over and walked behind her  for a few seconds.

The large crowd dispersed and only few people were left walking to the hallway. This gave Minho and others more room to walk freely.

Minho deeply exhaled before looming over the shorter girl and taking a sniff. Unfortunately for Minho, she noticed someone's shadow towering over her and she flailed her arm in the air, smacking Minho on his face. He yelped in slight pain and her eyes were fueled with anger.

The girl crossed her arms. "And what exactly do you think you were doing?" She raised her voice.

Minho stuttered and couldn't form a true response. The girl gestured Minho to go on with her hand. "Well? What is it?"

"I just really liked your perfume, um..."


"Ah yes, Minjeong!" Minho tried to laugh but Minjeong stayed silent. His laughter awkwardly died down and he cleared his throat. "I wanted to know what perfume you used."

"So you sniffed me?" Minjeong's anger suddenly turned into words of confusion.

"W-Well yeah I wanted to get a better smell of it."

"You couldn't have just asked me?" She knit her brows together.

Minho sighed and looked at the floor in shame. You could've easily mistaken him for a dog with its tail in between its legs.

Minjeong rubbed her temples. "It's called Daisy by Marc Jacobs." She muttered and began to walk away. Minho looked up to the ceiling in thought. Well that's not pretty fruity.

"I wouldn't have guessed the Lee Minho wore perfume." A voice giggled.

Minho stumbled backwards at the slight scare of someone watching him. He laid his hand on his heart in fear. He glanced over at the person who spoke to him and suddenly his heart rate jumped a few more notches.

Jisung held his hands out and walked towards Minho. "Woah no need to be scared of me!"

Minho laughed to himself. "Who could ever be scared of you? It's certainly not me."

Jisung humphed to himself and crossed his arms. "I'm scary!" He whined. "See look." Jisung unfolded his arms and curled his fingers as he tried to make them look like claws, and growled lightly.

Minho pat the boy's head and giggled. "Yeah okay. Whatever you want, princess."

Once the words slipped from Minho's mouth, both boys froze at the action and a blush tainted Jisung's cheeks and spread across his face like a wildfire. Minho's ears were bright red and eyes wide with fear.

Jisung cleared his throat. "Anyways, I didn't know you liked perfume." He scratched his head and avoided all eye contact with Minho.

Minho scoffed. "I do not!"

"Really!" It was Jisung's turn to laugh. "You just went and sniffed someone to see what perfume she was wearing!"

"I-" Minho started and stopped. "Actually-"

Minho kept trying to formulate a good response but his mind only drew blanks. How are you supposed to say you're trying to return a diary to someone by sniffing them?

Minho sighed in defeat. "It's hard to explain."

"I'm sure it is." Jisung pat his shoulder.

"Do you like perfumes?"

"Nah," Jisung shook his head. "Colognes and perfumes are a little much for me."

Minho nodded his head and smiled. "Yeah I can understand that. People overdo it all the time."

"Well Minho," Jisung pushed his glasses further onto his face. "It was nice talking to you." Jisung smiled and put a hand on Minho's shoulder, his other hand wavering in front of Minho's face. "Stop sniffing people okay? I don't think they like that!" Both boys giggled to each other and Minho pulled him in for a hug.

Jisung's breath hitched at the action. He tried to act as confident as he could, but the façade was crumbling into pieces.

"You're such a weird hyung." Jisung muttered.

Minho's giggle moved its way into Jisung's ears, and it brought comfort to the younger. "Yeah I know."

Minho pulled away from Jisung. "You go eat something, you're probably hungry and I'm holding you here."

Jisung only nodded, still trying to recover from the hug he just received. "I-I'm gonna just, um, go." Jisung stuttered and quickly walked away. Minho scratched his head as the boy sprinted ahead.

He smells kind of like fruit.


dear diary, // minsungWhere stories live. Discover now