twenty six,

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Minho sat in his chair, intensely staring at the diary on his desk. His eyebrows were knit together in confusion, hesitation, and frustration.

Why did you have to be such a dumbass Lee Minho?

Minho sat back in the chair with his arms crossed and a pout adorned on his lips. He was trying to find any loophole or shortcut he could to where when he gave the diary back, he didn't have to lose Jisung in the process.

And if Minho was honest, this felt like a lose-lose situation. It was a double ended sword that no matter which route he took, he'd end up suffering the negative outcome, which was losing the boy he'd come to admire over the past couple of months.

That was the last thing Minho wanted, but if he was honest with himself, what could he do to truly prevent it?

If he gave the diary back, Jisung would be upset that he didn't give it back sooner and that he read through it. If he didn't give the diary back, Jisung would never know Minho had it in the first place, but his guilty conscious would increase heavily day by day.

Minho couldn't win.

Sometimes, he wonders what life would be like if he had just left the diary where he found it and never picked it up.

If he had left it where it was, he would've only ran into Jisung as a one time occasion, and he never would've fallen for the younger.

Minho didn't like to think of that, but he didn't like thinking about the sticky situation he put himself in. The whole situation and all its factors was like a tangled web, multiple things overlapping.

Minho rubbed his head in frustration. He really didn't like lying to Jisung about the little things all to keep his dirty little secret that he read his diary.

Oh, how to come clean?

But what elaborate plan could Minho really muster up? There was no exotic plan Minho could go through with just to give a plain old notebook back. He hated to admit it to himself, and maybe he still hadn't yet, but he just had to face Jisung head on and hand him back his property. He needed to face the music and suck it up, because in all honesty, Minho had royally screwed up. There was no way to save his dignity or his reputation.

Minho groaned loudly and slammed his head on his desk.

I don't want to lose him like this, he makes me so happy!

Minho you did this to yourself. Get your shit together and take responsibility.

Minho placed his chin on his desk as he continued to hunch over. His eyes scattered around his room, trying to find any other distraction for the dilemma swirling around his head.

Minho huffed through his nose and his eyes landed on a blue pen on his desk. He blinked for a few seconds, maintaining the eye contact with the abiotic object.

There's really nothing I can do to prevent this from going wrong.

I just need to write all my feelings out.

Every last one of them.


Minho hyung💕🐈
hey Jisung
are you busy rn?

right now?
hmm no
what's up?

Minho hyung💕🐈
do u mind if i come over?
it's really important

oh yeah!
please come over

Minho hyung💕🐈
thank you

dear diary, // minsungWhere stories live. Discover now