twenty eight,

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long chapter ahead <3

lee minho

Minho hyung💕🐈
han jisung

you have some explaining
to do

Minho hyung💕🐈
you're right, i do

you need to come over here

Minho hyung💕🐈
what time is preferable for

idc about time
hurry your ass up
like now

Minho hyung💕🐈
alright i'll be there shortly
i just need to pick up a few
things first
thank you jisung

yeah whatever..
the door will be unlocked


Jisung stayed in his bedroom, sitting in his desk chair and death staring at the diary, as if Minho's entry would give him answers if he glared long enough. He sat with his left leg crossed over the other, arms folded across his chest, while his left index finger tapped away on his arm.

He had texted Minho right after finishing the entry, and it was way too short for Jisung's liking. It only gave him a small taste of what was going on in Minho's mind and only gave him a small glance of feelings that Minho harbored for him. This wasn't enough for Jisung.

He needed to hear everything come out of Minho's mouth himself, and when Jisung said everything, he absolutely meant every small detail possible.

He still felt so much anger towards Minho, but most of him couldn't help but feel he needed more answers to truly decide whether to be angry or not. Or maybe he really just needed Minho to say the three words that had been living in his imagination for a long while.

Jisung had been so deep in thought that he didn't hear his front door open. He jumped a little when he heard soft knocks upon his bedroom door. He looked over his shoulder to see Minho peering his head in the door.

"May I come in?" Minho spoke gently.

Jisung gulped out of anxiety, and he nodded his head. Minho made his way in the room and closed the door behind him. Jisung didn't miss the semi-large basket sat in Minho's arms.

Minho stopped dead in his tracks and tried to get rid of the dryness settling in his throat. "I brought this for you." Minho held up the basket then proceeded to place it on Jisung's bed.

"I'm not opening that."

Minho furrowed his brows in confusion. He would be lying if he said his heart didn't take a hit at Jisung's blunt response. "Why not?"

"I just want to understand why you never gave this back. Were you using me in any form? Were you planning to hold any of this against me? What made you think you could just read through my privacy? And then you just write that small ass entry and leave me hanging like that-" Jisung choked up at the thought, and he grit his teeth as his head hung low to hide the tears welling in his eyes.

dear diary, // minsungWhere stories live. Discover now