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7 years later


Minho sighed as he pulled into the driveway. Lately, he had been working overtime, having to create multiple choreographies on the whim, and hardly having any time to breathe or have a break. His daily schedule consisted of waking up at 7 AM, driving to work, staying at work until 10 PM, and finally driving home to pour into bed with his already asleep husband.

Han Jisung, or rather Lee Jisung, was now a very successful author in Korea, and he didn't have the crazy schedule Minho had. He didn't see his husband much besides the times Minho reserved during his meal breaks and the weekends.

Minho always made sure that any time he had was going to be dedicated to Jisung. Due to his hectic schedule right now preparing multiple boy group choreographies, he wasn't able to be home a lot, and Minho made a promise to not let his marriage fall apart because of it.

Though today, he had experienced a miracle and got to leave work early. Minho's finished one of his most elaborate dances yet, and his boss had relieved him from the last few hours of his shift. He couldn't wait to surprise Jisung and spend quality time with him, which he hadn't in a while.

He exited the vehicle and although his legs feel like jello, he powered through to his front door and silently unlocked it, not wanting to ruin the element of surprise. Minho peeked his head through the door and scanned the living room, finding no trace of his husband. He saw his car in the driveway, so he knew that Jisung was somewhere within these walls.

"Jisung?" Minho softly called out. There was no response, confirming he was nowhere in the living room. Sometimes, Minho would come home finding Jisung napping on the couch, but due to his tiny figure curled up, he wasn't even seen.

Minho quietly set his duffel down and slipped his shoes off, taking the precaution to be extra quiet. He walked cautiously, watching over his shoulder. After taking a full lap around the front of the house, he came to the conclusion Jisung was probably in the bedroom.

Minho tiptoed over to their shared bedroom, and he saw the door to it wide open. Jisung really found no reason to close the door when it was just him in the house.

Minho looked in and saw Jisung typing away on a word document and, his dirty blond hair was pushed down by a set of black headphones.

Ah he must be writing.

Minho kept a smirk plastered on his face as he carefully tread towards the younger boy. He knew Jisung couldn't hear him coming more than likely, but he took precaution in case the music was low. He stopped right behind his chair and placed a hand over his glasses while moving the headphones off one of his ears.

"Guess who?" Minho sang to the younger. Jisung shrieked and immediately shut his computer.

"Hyung! You scared me!" Jisung yelled in a high pitched tone. He held a hand over his heart and couldn't keep a regular breath for a few seconds.

Minho giggled to himself. "I'm sorry baby, I just wanted to surprise you." He leaned down and kissed the boy's already pink cheek.

Jisung sighed and looked up at his husband from his office chair. He turned himself around to hug the elder's legs since he didn't wanna stand up. "You're home early."

Minho first removed the headphones completely off Jisung's head, and his left hand massaged Jisung's scalp. "They let me go early since I finished my choreography for TXT's comeback."

Jisung shook his head. "You didn't text me you were coming home. I would've made some dinner."

"I wanted to surprise you. I wanted to spend time with my beautiful husband, and I thought it would be better if I came to surprise you instead."

dear diary, // minsungOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora