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Your POV

I watched as Santi and Nova roamed the Vuitton store, placing the things they liked in my hands. It felt as if they weren't even children. They were just spoilt brats.

"Daddy, I want this fur coat." Nova demanded, tugging on his jacket. I looked at Harry, praying he wouldn't baby her again, but I obviously spoke too soon.

"Of course, honey."

I rolled my eyes at him as we continued to roam the store. I had never expected me to be one to go along with spoiling my kids, but somehow Harry had built up 10 years of spoiling these kids.

Once we arrived home, Santi and Nova set off into their master bedrooms up the stairs with handfuls of bags filled with unnecessary items.

"Harry, we need to talk." I demanded, leading him into one of the spare bedrooms downstairs where the children couldn't hear us.

"What is it love, can't it wait?" He groaned as he sat down on the neatly made bed that I didn't make. I basically wasn't allowed to clean. Harry thought it would be amazing to hire someone to do that. But I wanted to clean, not sit around and act as if I'm posh.

"No, it really can't. Listen, I know you love having all this money; you're a multi millionaire for crying out loud, but Gosh Harry, this is too much." I sighed in frustration. He gave me a confused expression, so I explained further on.

"I have put up with spoiling my kids for 10 years  but this is crazy now. We live in a house much too big for us, we buy them things they will never need. Don't you think this has gotten out of hand!" I groaned, pinching my nose once again. I often did that when I was annoyed or frustrated.

"I'm not spoiling them honey, I'm just making them happy." He tried to reason flicking his hair back and forth.

"Their not happy." I sighed sitting back down. "We never spend time with them, we just buy to keep them occupied. I'm tired of living like this. I miss the old Harry who would take us to McDonalds for lunch and cause a chaos just to make his kids laugh. They don't laugh, all they to is ask and get given. We can't keep doing this."

He looked at me silently, thinking about what I've said. I knew he knew I was right. This house was too big. Eight bedrooms for four people, five bathrooms, a music room, a recording booth, a theatre room, a games room, a swimming pool and a tennis court. Why did we need all this? We weren't some posh English people, we were the Styles. Once upon a time we used to all be happy.

"Maybe you're right; I guess I've just gone overboard. I'm so glad to have you to always keep the family steady. I was just thinking, we get rid of this house and move into that other house we used to always want to move into when we got kids." I looked at him confused, I don't remember that at all.
He seemed to have understood my facial expression when he continued further on.

"That 5 bedroom, 2 bathroomed house. It had the kitchen, dining, laundry, theatre room and a basement we could turn into something cool. It had the pool and had abide of the lake. Do you remember?" He asked as he placed me on his lap. I shook my head as a no. Why could I remember?

"I think so, maybe. But it does sound amazing. We should check it out hey?"I wiggles my eyebrows with a big smile on my face.

"Of course  your highness. Tomorrow would be great."

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